A certain Mandacticrer 2ro2osts to modify kis Asotes, to render Collision with. YootTassattgers less 1117414*os:1 do tat uttolersta4 how ki5Course ci Action i1 iitig arltievt .kis Maitilest Airt Ito it titose wito ‘sor kis Motor Cars go faster &a lager yet. Cotseittettly, shall skortly .ro,tett two Devices to render the, Pedestrian ILO agat watt is irmile I My 5yrins Ileelect ioots will , tt Oscration d a Trigger, project hitt skywarct, over a citarling Motor Cariwitile, sltouid, ite grove too slow', lily Protectiv-e Overurear wilt cusitioit the 'Blow. SLotact the Ilse of. titis Avaratics be, enforceti by raw, tie Man%fact tcrer otitiltt abandon the allswrci Attempt to rattier kis ie1itrojectilet larttiess.