The deelarstioa made by Lord .1,ei N :it; ,s1.:1.1. in the Ilouse of Commons, ha, completely changuil the appearance of the Motive-market. 'cite general impression in the City seems to be, chat a change of Ministry, at 111) very dis- tant thy, is ; and a disrosition to sell Stock iii accordingly arisen manes:; the large holdets • and the markets for English Securities are lower, Bud mom e feAle than they were last week. Consols, which on NIonday Avere have to-(1,,y L.eu 11:1.1. New Threesand-1.1iall per Cents., which had reached 1011.!,, wire this min nittg at 101,,; and a sale of 70.000 since has • Caused a decline to 10:I.:, the market has again leached 1013 India Stock, which had ex•perionced 3 rise of twat ly 5 per ect.t., having been done at 1274, has Inc% 1,:r e e.r., mat i.:•ii-day at 2701, This "etferal alteration • in the value of enr Ft ok is liv some attributed to the state of the foreign ex- . changes., in which, ft 0111 the scarcity of bills, a fall is anticipated; but the rates, with the ext-eptint; af those upon Holland, arc very touch above the point at - which the expo' tation of gold will be rendered profitable. Added to this the !validity of gold in the 1 Sauk has this week been increased by some considerable importations. the only export of bullion having been to Amsterdam; whither doubloons and Spanish dollars have been sent, to enable the Northern Powers to make their periodical remittance to Don Carlos. The fear of any immediate
drain upon our stock of bullion must be considered in and we are therefore inclined to trace the alteration for the worse an our public Securities to political causes.
The Government, as we last week anticipated, have determined on reducing the interest upon Exchequer Bills, and have issued the following notice.
" Exchequer Bill Otlice,2, Whitehall Yard, November 21st, 1P37.
"The Exchequer Bills dated in the mouths of October, November, and December 1836,(viz. 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 125, for relief of the West India Islands ; 4 and William IV. cap 72, for carrvingon Public Works and Fisheries: 6 and 7 William IV. cap. 113, 14,1107,950/. nano h836,) with interest due thereon, will be paid otf on the 14th December 184 ; when the interest then-on will cease. Such Bills will be received daily from half past tell o'clock till two, until and including, t lie 9th December, at this °Mee • where lists are to be obtained containing instructions for arranging the bills. The bearers must indorse each bill with their usual signature, and write their names and residences at the bottom of each list ; and where the names or holders are inserted in the bills, the bearers, tint being such holders, must previously (obtain their endorse- ments. The bearers must attend and give receipts Mr the payment. " Payment may be obtained. if required, previous to the said 14th of December. upon leaving the Bills one day previous to that on which payment is desired. New Bills. bearing an interest ofd. by the day upon ever 100/, may be obtained in whole or in part payment of the principal of the Exchequer Bills issued wider the tibove.mentioned act of 6 and 7 William IV. etp. 113, upon stating the required amount ua the lists de- livered. on or before the said %It of December ; which new Bills, with the juiciest on the Bills exchanged, will be the 15 It December.
" The bills to be classed in separate lists, according to the Act under which they have been issued.
" The hills issued for car*ing on public works aud fisheries and for lie:idol West India Islands will be pull ((fin money. bills now issued ill exelmnee will be advertised in June next ; and the es- iu future will take place in June. instead of December.
" N 11. All Exchequer Bills dated prior to October 1136, have been advertised to be paid off."
In the Foreign Market, Brazilian Stock has experienced a serious decline.
An extensive delivery of ,tuck took place in the early part of the week, and
the market was very heavy up to yesterday; when its gloom wv. increased by the arrival of intelbe.ent•t• hem Rio of the resignation of the Regent. This, added to the belief that the Government will be obliged to come to this market fur a loan, instead of raising one in the Brazils, has still further depressed the Bonds. The price has been toelay as low as 76—a decline of 5 per cent. upon our Saturday's quotation; and the market does not at present evince any symptoms of reaction.
Portuguese Stock lei also been depresstd; the Three per Cents. have been at 191, and the Five p. i Cents. at 003. There has been a slight reaction from these quotations ; but the tone of the market has net been much improved. Spanish Active St -,-Ir has been steady between I21) and 201. with little thing. Deferred Stock has beets in mule demand ; but the Passive is quite negleeted.
The European Continental Stocks are generally lower ; having sympathized, as they always do, with the English Securities.
The South American Bonds are in request ; and though all may be said to have improved in mice, the demon.] has been chiefly confined to Peruvian and 'Mexican ; to the former of which the commercial tmeaty has given ineleased currency; while the Dutch demand fur the newly-conserted portion of the Mexican Debt, has caused some purellises of the old stock to be made here, for the purpose of converting it into the New Betels. The English holders gene- rally seem to be averse to tke conversion of their Securities; and we believe the operations of that nature which have taken place as yet, have loco priacipally fur the purpose of sellinz the New Stock in Reiland. SATVIIPAY, TWELVE O'CLO^K. The English Stocks are without material variation this morning, though the market presents a firmer appearatice.nrid faith India Bonds and Exchequer Bills are at an advanced premium. Brazilian Stock has been depressed to 71i, but has since improved, and is now i5i76. Ads-ices have been received front Lisbon to the 18th instant, bringing intelligence of the formation of an Administration. The Portuguese Bends have cousequently improved, the Five per Cents. being :31 311, and the Three per Cents. 201 21. Spanish Active is oilso firmer; as is Deferred Stock the quotation a the Passive must be considered nominal. The South American Meals continue the sane—liuencs Ayres 20 to 22; Chili :10 32; Columbian 2: ; 31exican 28i ; Peruvian 20.l,
The English Funds chose nearly at our atom quotations ; very little
lousiness haying occurred in them during the afternoon. In the Foreign Mill ket, the only fluctuations that have taker, place have been in Portmwese Bonds; which may lie quoted ;t shade lower, the Five per Cents. being 306 31, and the Three per Cents. 20 tlq. The Mexican Boods have aka declined from 28:1 to the price has however since improvtul to 27,', 6. It is reported that intelli- gence of a late date 1t is been received at Liver pool from itlexien, via New York, stating that a revolutionary movement laid occurred in the republic. We one unable to trace the report to any authentic source, but understand that it has probably originated from the circumstance of the Continent to Vera Crux having been robbed of 40,000 dollars.
3 per rent. Consols '.43 licarilino 5 per Cents 75} 6 Ditto Mr Account 933 1 Danish 714 3 per relit. Reduced 92± Dutch 21 per Cents 541 4.
New 31 per Cent. Aunts ltnti, 1 l'ortoglie, Regency p.Cts. 31 311 Bank Sioek 2i3{ Ditto 3 per Cent. 20} 1
India Stmk. !t701 Ito-si (192213 per Cent... 1101 11