25 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 13

There are already speculations afloat as to the composition of


Ministry to succeed the present. It is conjectured that old Lord Game nmy be applied to by the Court to construct a sort of half-Whig half-Tory Government. But this is scarcely medible. Four addi- tional years have not rendered the Earl more capable of bearing the burden under which he staggered and fell in 1834. The times are not less difficult, nor parties more manageable. Besides, notwithstanding the presti!ie which may still exist to some extent in favour of the name of (iaLv, the People are too fully aware of the disasters which the Earl's policy has entailed upon the country: they see too clearly that to his abuse of the power they so confidingly bestowed, may be traced the bad workings of the Reform Act, and time revived insolence of their old roasters.

On the supposition that the Queen "will not send for the Tories" svhen the present crazy concern tumbles, might not the Duke of Sus- sex, %rho coaxed the Duke of We i.mscros so winningly on Monday last, give us an essay in Cabinet.making ?