A correspondent of the Daily News presents the Italian budget
for 1865 in a clear and intelligible form. The total receipts were expected to be 25,400,0001., of which 5,600,0001. is derived from the land tax, 2,500,0001. from the income-tax, and 5,400,0001. from the monopolies of tobacco, salt, gunpowder, and cards. The most remarkable account, however, is the expenses, which in round numbers are :—
Finance. £16,200,000 Justice 1,200,000 Foreign Affairs 120,000 Education 560,000 Home Office 2,000,000 Public Works 6,640,000 War 7,720,000 Navy 1,960,000 Agriculture and Commerce 100,000 £36,500,000
The cost therefore of the bureaux is more than double that of the army, Italy being so burdened with officials that the mere dismissal of half of them would include a saving of eight millions sterling a year. Italians may well resist the reduction of the army, while the civil expenditure is maintained at this preposter- ous figure.