25 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 2

Oxford is anxious, it would seem, to admit students poorer

than those who usually study there, and it is proposed to found a

poor college, which it is thought would be filled chiefly by men about to take Orders. The result of that scheme would, we fear, be the establishment of a-thedlogical college, a noxious institution hitherto avoided. Its students would live cheaply perhaps, but would come out clerical prigs, accustomed only to each other's society, unacquainted with men, and unfit for the work of life. It would be a new St. Aidan's, and one St. Aidan's is rather more than the Church knows how to bear. If the desire is really to relieve the students who intend to enter the Church, why not reduce their fees one-half, like those of the old servitors? or if the wish is to attract poorer men of all kinds, why not found scholarships oven to the competition only of men whose means, in the opinion of the Heads of colleges, justify them in entering for the prize ?