SIR,—As an old and deeply interested reader of the Spectator, may I be allowed to say that it has been one of the sur- prises of my life to find the line of thought expressed in your article of November 18th, "Religious Persecution" (a line which seems to me so utterly and undeniably true), should not be the one you have taken with regard to the Ritualists? Forgive me, Sir, for saying so, but, indeed, 1 know that to many like myself, who are not by any means altogether one with them, you have seemed to show towards the Ritualists a spirit lacking in breadth, and, if I may say it without offence, kindliness, and an utter disability of doing justice to their standpoint. This, from the Spectator, always so tender with matters of conscience, so generous, so large- minded, has been nothing short of a shock to many ; and in all earnestness I would beg that you will give us an article on the subject which will explain what seems so inexplicable a mental twist.—I am, Sir, 8/13., DISTRESSED.
[We regret that our correspondent should find our attitude towards the Ritualists wanting in charity and good feeling. Welhad certainly no desire to see them persecuted or unjustly constrained on a matter of conscience. Our repeated appeals for a better following of the spirit of comprehension in the Church do not, we think, lay the Spectator open to this charge. At the same time we have said, and must say again, that we find it difficult to understand how men who profess a deep sense of. loyalty to the Church can consider it their duty to disobey orders given by a competent authority,—i.e., by the Metropolitan Bishops.—ED. Spectator.]
• (1.) La Conacience Chretie-nne et la Question Julve.—(2.) La Conscience Chritienne et l'..-ljjuire Dreyfus.