[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.]
THEOLOGY.—These Holy Mysteries. By the Rev. C. Clementson. (Rivingtons. 35. 6d.)—These "Addresses on the History and Meaning of the Christian Liturgy" are moderate in expression. The writer occupies the standpoint of an advanced High Church- man. Naturally, he does not seem to take account of what has to be said on the other side ; probably he considered it before coming to his conclusions. Sometimes we think be uses terms a little loosely. To say, for instance, that the practice of reserva- tion was "restored by the Latin Prayer-book of Queen Elizabeth" might be misleading. And there is more than a tinge of sophistry in the argument that the attendance of children at the Eucharist is specially provided for because they are to "be called upon to hear sermons." "The only place in which the Prayer-book pro- vides a sermon is in the service of Holy Communion." —With this may be mentioned a collection of essays, Some Principles and Services of the Prayer-book Historically Con- sidered, edited by J. Wickham Legg (same publishers, 6s.)— In the series of the "Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges," general editor, J. Armitage Robinson, D.D. (Cam- bridge University Press), we have The Pastoral Epistles, by J. H. Bernard D.D. (38. 6d.) Dr. Bernard states the problem of authorship very fairly, while holding the belief that attributes the three to St. Paul. The argument from the ar4 Ary4Eva
argument is of very little force on the adverse side. A priori we may expect a writer to use a larger vocabulary in his later books, and these three must be very late. The average of
these expressions are 12 per page, as opposed to 3.9 in 1 and 2 Thessalonians, the earliest. Turning to Shakespeare, we find 34 in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and 10.4 in Hamlet. The
case founded on differences of syntax is stronger, and the editor states it with candour. The edition generally is well worthy of its place in the series.—In the "Cambridge
Bible for Schools and Colleges," general editor for Old Testament A. F. Kirkpatrick, D.D. (same publishers), we have The Books of Chronicles, edited by William Emery Barnes, D.D. (4e.) Here the questions of date, authorship, purpose, and general value are of especial importance. Dr. Barnes accepts a post-exilic authorship, and detects a purpose to insist on the theocratic government of Israel and the importance of Mosaic ritual. The historical value he would rank below that cf Kings. Where the two differ, as in the matter of the death of Ahazialo, he would give the preference to Kings.—The Proverbs. By the Von. T. T. Perowne. (Same publishers and series. 4s.)— This is a careful summary and statement of the contents of the book, with an illustrative commentary.—Ecclesiastes ; or, The Preacher, explained by Annesley W. Streane, D.D. (Methuen and Co., Is. 6d.), is a volume of the series entitled "The Churchman's Bible," appearing under the general editorship of J. H. Burn, B.D. The editor has some just observations on the assumption of Solomonic authorship. It is a great mistake in conservative critics to put the supposed dilemma : "This is either really Solomon's work or a fraud." His" exposition" of this somewhat perplexing book will, we venture to say, be found practically useful. —A Metrical Version of the Psalms. By John Albert Robertson. (Elliot Stock. Ss.)—Mr. Robertson renews an attempt, which writers without number have made before him, to put the Psalms into English verse. Here is a sample of his work, which we choose from a Psalm that will be well known to every one The heav'n doth show God's mighty fame, The firmament His work proclaim : Day speech doth utter unto day, And knowledge night to night convey. There is no tongue, there is no speech, In which their voices do not reach ; To earth's far end bath gone their sound. Their words through all the world around."
It is not easy to imagine how any one knowing the music of "The Heavens declare the Glory of God," should put forth these very poor, unmelodious rhymes as even a tolerable substitute.— The Mystery of the Ages, by B. N. Switzer, B.A. (Elliot Stock), is a contribution to the study of prophecy, which we must be content to pass over with an acknowledgment.— In the series of "Oxford Church Text-Books" we have The Thirty-nine Articles, by the Rev. B. J. Kidd, Vol. II., Articles IX.-XXXIX. (Rivingtons, 1s.) This is a useful little volume, moderate and sensible, though with a certain tendency now and then to " gloze." But, then, how is it possible to be perfectly frank in dealing with the Articles ? Take, for instance, XIX., with its definition of the Church. "Where the pure word of God is preached." What does this mean ? "Where the Church delivers the Creed," says Mr. Kidd. If he means the formula known as the Creed he includes the most corrupt societies and. unchurches some of the most pure. Who can doubt that the words were levelled against Rome, as probably were those that follow, "the Sacraments duly administered " ? Is the condi_ tion satisfied when one kind only is administered in the Eucharist P—Another volume in the same series is Outlines of Old Testament History, by the Rev. C. F. Burney. (1s.)—The Gospel of Certainty. By D. J. Burrell, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d.)—In Father Reece, the Old Methodist Minister, by R. Denny Urlin (Elliot Stock, 3s. 6d.), we have a picture of Methodism as it was a couple of generations ago. Dr. Reece was President of Conference in 1816, and again in 1835, dying in 1850 at the age of eighty-five.