NEW EDITIONS. — The Autobiography and Letters of Mrs. M. 0. W.
0/ipharit. Arranged and edited by Mrs. Harry Coghill. (W. Blackwood and Sons. (Js.)—A third edition, revised. Some of the letters of Mrs. Oliphant's younger son have been omitted, to reappear, we are glad to be told, in a separate volume with some other memorials of him.—Silas Marner. By George Eliot. (Same publishers. Gs.)—This volume has been illustrated by Mr. Reginald Birch. The drawings have considerable merit, though they are scarcely good enough for the tale. That, indeed, it would not be easy for any illustrations to be. Is there a better tale in the language ? any one more skilfully contrived and more admirably told P—Tales from Shakespeare. By Charles and Mary Lamb. (S. T. Freemantle. 5s.)—Mr. Andrew Lang does his accustomed office of writing an introduction, and, as usual, gives us something to think about. This is not the place to discuss the difficult question of Shakespeare for children. Ka0apa KaBapoTs is very good, but it does not settle everything. There are fifteen illustrations by Mr. R. A. Bell.—We have yet another edition of "The Works of Charles Dickens," whom people, whether they still read him or not, certainly appear to buy. This is from Messrs. Chapman and Hall, who send us The _Pickwick Papers, 2 vols., and the five Christmas books, A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life, and The Haunted Man (1s. net per vol.)—Serbian Folk-Lore. Translated from the Serbian by Madame Elodie L. Mijatovich. With an Introduction by the late Rev. W. Denton. (Columbus Company. 5s.)—Christ in the Old Testament. By Harry Linton, M.A. (Elliot Stock.)—Dante's New Life. Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (Ellis and Elvey. 2s. 6d net.)—In the "New Century Library" (Nelson and Sons), Vanity Fair, by W. M. Thackeray, and Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens (Is. per vol.)—In the "Temple Classics" (J. M. Dent and Co., is. 6d. net per vol.), The Laxdale Saga, translated from the Icelandic by Muriel A. C. Press, and Microcosmographie ; or, A Piece of the World Discovered in Essays and Characters, by John Earle.—Introduc- tion to English, French, and German Phonetics. By Laura Soames. Edited by W. Victor, Ph.D. (Swan Sonnensehein and Co. 6s.)