There is no doubt that the arrangement of the average kitchen cupboard leaves something to be desired. As a rule the shaves are too deep. It is usually impossible to extract the small tin of baking powder (when it has been located) from be- hind the large pot of jam without knocking over the tall Worcester Sauce bottle and brushing against the sticky tin of syrup. A simple and inexpensive remedy in such eases is to have each shelf halved longitudinally. One half of each is then put back into its original position in the cupboard ; the other is to be fixed on the inside of the cupboard door. Care should be taken to see that the hinges are strong enough to bear their added burden—though it is obviously wiser to keep heavier things such as bottled fruits and pots of jam on the shelves in the cupboard, and reserve the swinging shelves for the lighter stores. Some form of guard-rail, about two inches high, must be fitted along the front edge of each shelf to prevent its contents sliding or toppling off when the door is shut. This can be very simply contrived by screwing a pair of small metal angle-brackets on top at each end and fixing between t heir upstanding arms a thin strip of wood such as a blind-lath. The swinging shelves will also have to be shortened slightly in order that the door may open and clos2. freely—but the gain in convenience will more than compensate for any small [Enquiries arising out of articles on " The Modern Home should be addressed to the Editor of the SPECTATOR, Street, ICC. I, and marked Modern Home" in the top left- hand corner.] 99 GO:Cer