Parliament : The New Session Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes :
The opening. of Parliament on Tuesday began what the Prime Minister promised would be a " very strenuous session," though both the King's Speech and Mr. MacDonald's comments thereon were rather nebulous as to the details of a programme. Mr. Lansbury was terrible, full of uncon- structivc sentiment and unjustifiable touchiness. He shot'. d remember that when the House laughs at a politician it is not jeering at those whom he claims to represent. The Prime Minister had very little to say, and for the second time in three weeks left members wondering why he had thought it necessary to speak at all. Sir Herbert Samuel, however, redeemed the debate from complete unimportance, and most admirably coupled a neatly defined benevolence towards the Government. with suggestions for the practical interpretation of the King's Speech. Since tariffs arc inevitable, and since high tariffs arc one of the chief curses upon international trade, let us try, he asked, to form an alliance between low tariff countries. His other main point was that. the time has come to use the public credit to stimulate increased production where there is not already satura- tion ; and like all others who have studied the " saving versus spending" controversy, he came to the conclusion that the stimulation of housing and of land settlement was the most promising line to follow.