[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—Last summer a poignant case drew public attention to the barbarity of our present law as to abortion ; and the brave action of Mr. Aleck Bourne received wide publicity and approval. But the Law remains on our Statute Book.
In October, the National Council of Women demanded legalisation of abortion and adequate facilities for contraception, by an overwhelming majority. The British Medical Associa- tion, the National Council for Equal Citizenship, the Eugenics Society, the Women's Co-operative Guild, have all expressed tl-ei: opinion that the present law requires alteration, though of course, in varying degrees and direction
The Inter-Departmental Committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. Norman Birkett, K.C., has been investigating the subject for nearly eighteen months. May we hope that their conclusions will soon be made public, and will help to promote women's health, happiness and dignity ?—I am, Sir, yours truly,-