Professor Kabalevsky
Sta,—My attention has been drawn to Mr. Martin Cooper's reference in the Spectator of November 11th to my chairmanship of a discussion between Professor Dmitri Kabalevsky and a number of British music critics, there being some composers present also. Professor Kabalevsky needed and received no " protection " from mc, despite the extraordinary behaviour of some persons present, who put questions, interrupted the answers by other questions, engaged in conversation with their neighbours while Professor Kabalevsky was speaking, and even giggled when our guest used a philosophical term such as "subjective idealism." As chairman I resisted the temptation to apologise to those present on account of Professor Kabalevsky having unwittingly talked above their heads. I much regret that it was impossible for me as chairman to prevent the unfortunate impression which Professor Kabalevsky must have received of the mental age and boorish manners of certain of those critics who had been invited to meet him.—Yours truly, ALAN D. Busn.
25 Christchurch Crescent, Radlett, Herts.