1i1E "SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 557 IA Book Token for one
guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct inn of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. Ei.imber 6th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and bear the word Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. io its must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. t.c solution and the .name of the winner will be published in the following. issue.)
• • • • • • d•••••• ••••11111•N MIMI ERE= 111•11111 • • lid • • ki • 511••••••••••11111/11 • • • • • • ifilii••••••11••1111 • • • • • • • • id1111• 1111••• 11•1111 • • WI • • II • •
1, 4. It may be changed into note for Michael. (4, 2, 3 5.)
8. Turns back the enclosure and digs for relations. (7.) 9. Purring escort. (4, 3.) 10. Fun at high altitudes. (4.) 11. Advice to the allotment holder. (5.) 12. "There shall be no more land, say - " (Brooke), (4.) I. The sum at the bank to be spent on the Easter holidays ? (6. 7.) 17. One can, of course, become it imprac- tically by making a lot of loans. (4, 9.) 20. The only specimen of •I2 ? (4.) 21. Tar is • by-product of this. (5.) 22. It is concealed by most men of moderate means. (4.) 25. " I have for love a thousand thou- sand -" (Thomson). (7.)
14. It goes on and off. (7)
27. But quite serious about wanting the crown. (9.) 21. "Let bears and lions growl and fight," he wrote. (5.)
1. Wicklow, no doubt, is in this though not geographically. (6, 3.) 2. I'm at the end of • sharpener from overseas. (7.) 3. One is contused about a kin. (4.) 4. Potters do, though they may not look like them. (7, 6.) 5. More civic change. (4.)
0."Who put you up to it ? "asked the slave. (7.)
7. This contest may engender ume heat. (5.) 9. This swindler is not at all concerned with needles and ropes. (7, 6.) 13. An Italian aesthete. (5.) 14. Scold in the quarry. (5.) 16. Pure haste in the river. (9.) 18. May 1st, old style. (7.) 19. A little bit of money that is left. (3, 4.) 20. One of the drowsy things associated with poppy and, mandragora. (5.) 23. " Deep as first - ; and wild with all regret" (Tennyson). (4.) 24. Bird that calls for another. (4.)