25 NOVEMBER 1989, Page 35

More kissing

Sir: No doubt your 'Kissing and Telling' piece and that of Mr Waugh (14 and 21 October) have produced numbers of romantic reminiscences. May I add mine?

Long ago I was in a taxi inching down Bond Street in a severe traffic jam. A man hailed my taxi, seeming to be unaware it was occupied. When he realised it was, he continued walking beside the taxi, staring through the window in the strangest way. Suddenly he opened the door and hurled himself onto the seat beside me. When he began kissing me ardently, I was quite unable to utter. This impulsive creature was clearly not English, but a beau teneb- reux in type, and I found myself returning his kisses. I never saw him again. But I have never forgotten that chance encoun- ter, from which I draw no conclusions, moral or immoral.

Lesley Blanch

9 Chemin Vallaya, Garavan, Menton 06500