John Bayley
ANITA Brookner's most searching and imaginative novel to date, Lewis Percy (Cape, £11.95), shows what can happen to a man who both adores the idea of `womankind' and attempts to identify with it. A deep, touching, and funny tale. Superb biographies of Wordsworth by Stephen Gill (OUP, £17.50) and of the young Coleridge by Richard Holmes (Hod- der & Stoughton, £16.95). An attractive and unpretending book by a German Panzer commander, The Memories of Col- onel Hans Von Luck (George Unwin Praeger, New York, $24.95). Most dis- appointing, sadly, the overwhelmingly en- larged version of Solzhenitsyn's historic panorama August 1914, now published as The Red Wheel Part 1 (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, $40, $19.95). A big read, but in the end a boring one.