25 OCTOBER 1834, Page 1

Attention is again directed to the proceedings of MEHEMET ALI.

It is stated that he has forwarded to the British and French Governments an expose of the grievances he has endured at the hands of the Porte and of Russia. He maintains his ability to take Constantinople and defend it, sing100464-1g4iLat


Russia ; and only asks the neutrality of France and England. He is at no loss for arguments to make out the advantage to those countries of having a powerful, active potentate, with a well-dis- ciplined army of 160,000 men, capable of being largely recruited, in the place of a feeble vassal of the Czar. Really, the Egyptian seems to have weighty reasons on the side of his ambition ; and perhaps it would be as well to let him try his hand at his mighty project. Its success would enliven, possibly improve, it could not deteriorate, the state of Turkey.