On the 11th inst., at Rosana, in the county of Wicklow, the Lady of DANIEL num Esq., of a daughter. On the IMIt inst., at Menested Lodge. Hants, Ltulv CATHERINE BUCKLEY, of a son. Du the 15th inst., the Lally of A. F. REYNOLDS, of Melton Grange, iu the county of York, Esq., of a daughter. Oti the pith inst., at Dover, the Lady of W. P. Witimasts FREEMAN, Esq., of Fawley Court, Bucks. of a sun and heir.
Du the 19th inst., the Lady LOOM WHITMORE. of a daughter. On the 19th inst.. at Brighton, the Lady JAsx Lawarxce Puti., of a daughter, which survived its birth only a few hours. On the 20tli inst.. ut Kensington Palace, the Lady of GEORGIE BARROW, Esq., of a SOM. OD the 21st inst., in Upper Brook Street, Lady Cunrrox, of a son and heir. On the 24th inst., iu Dorset Square, the Lady of FICUS F. SANDER AN, Esq., Of It daughter. On the 21st inst.. at Stetteubvrg, Tunbridge Welts. the Lady of Col. Ctiaisrortialt Ilomaso,t, of a daughter.
Ott the 21st inst.. at St. Giles's Camberwell, Wu. LIAM FRY CHANNELI„ of the Inner Temple Esq., Itartisterat.Law, to MA wrim I IA W K Es, youngest daughter of Richard Moseley, Esq.. of Champion Hill. On the 21st inst., at Dorking, Sorry. Roa rter STEVENSON ELMS, M.A., of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, to CAROLINE, third daughter of the Rev. George Feavhetn, Vicar of Dorking. On the 21st inst.. at ileddington, Wilts. the Rev..lottx1 II I.E NNERHASSMr, Rector of It s to e Iutrinsica, Dorset, to E z Ant:Tit, daughter of the late Francis lloivscmayno Da Boulay, Esq., of %Valtliamstow, Essex. On the 23.1 inst., at St. George's Church, Liverpool, ARTHUR CHILLS.% EN., is EMMA, uncouth daughter of Mr. Robert Musgrove, 11eatlifield Street.
On the 21st inst., at his scat. Knowsley Park, near Preston. the Earl of DERBY, in his 143,1 year.
On the 2Ist inst., at J. Deward Gallon's. Esq.. of Iladzor Douse, near Draitwich, worcestershire. CA RoLl SE, Wife of Edward Nieholas II utt, Esq., of Dorset Square. and daughter of Joseph Strutt. Esq., of Derby, aged 35. On the 17th inst.. at his residence in the Grand Parade. Brighton, Sir Ortolan Powssi.t., Knight, Provost-Master General of the Leeward Islands, in the 79th year of his age. On the 19th inst., at his residence, Chaseside House, Enfield, Jamey: Falun' ST E A DMus, Esq. On the 2211 inst.. in the 39th year of his age, W. FREDERICK STIRLING, Esq., r Lincoln's Inn, son of the late Vice-Admiral Stirling.