25 OCTOBER 1834, Page 8



A ,w1; has been given to reviving confidence, by the occurrence of several conitn, reial failures ; and though the houses which have been overtaken by these disasters weie not eminent, or their transactb-ns on a great scale, they were in every instance of very greet respectability; and the facts of their embarrassment became known only at the time of the suspension of their payments. The issue of bank-notes consequent upon the payrnrot of the Dividends and the Dissented Four per Cents., by inducing investinm., has caused considerable absorption of the floating stock ; and the price of Consols Reduced and Three-and-a-half per Cents., for immediate delivery, has been as high es for the Account ; although the quotation fur money, at this period, is generally # per cent. below the price for Account. The fluctuations have not, however, been great ; and though the seur:ity of Money Stock gave great firmness to the market, its upward tendency has been counteracted by extensive speculative sales; so that, after having risen about per cent. during the week, the price has again Lilco to the closing quotation of Saturday last—viz. 90 91. In the Foreign Market, the business has been on a much less extensive scale than for some time past ; i‘o wilidr the unfavourable state of the weather has in some degree contributed. The letters by the French mail of Tuesday, which ought in due course to have arrived yesterday, were not received till to-day; and we are still wi.hout those of INednesday, which should have been delivered this morning- In consequence of this iaterruption of communication, we are without any intelligence from Madrid of a later date than the 14rh instant. The hopes and fears of the speculators in Spanish Stock arc consequently without excitement, and our Exchange is without business. By the last arrival from Madrid, we learn that the Chamber of Pr oceres bad adopted the financial plan of the Procuradores, with the addition of urging upon the Executive the partial acknowledgment of Gaelihard's Loan. The receipt of this intelligence, on Tuesday morning-, occasioned a panic among the Stockholders; and the price of Cortes Bonds fell from 54i to til I. An im- mediate reaction, however, took place. Since that wrionl, the transactions have been very few, a-id the market has been gradually rising ; the price has ken as high as roj ; but just previous to the close of business, it was reported that the French mail had arrived, and that the prices f era Paris are lower : a slight reaction has consequently occurred, and tine market does at 5:14 54. Some large transactions have occurrent in Portugarse Ittigei•cy Bonds, which have improve,' in price menu ly 2 percent. Every thing seems to go on favour- ably at Lisbon; and the diflieulties in which it was supposed that the death of Don Prinno would place the Ministry, seem to have been overrated ; and a disposition to purchai-e the Stock appears to have revived. Dutell, Russian, Belgian; and Brazilian Bonds, are in demand ; but the busi- ness done in them has not been extensive.

The South Amenicila Stocks are generally heavy; for although tl a prices quoted are not much under those of last week, they are almost nominal, and are not tiros.a at which any extensive sale or puschase could be effected.


Two French mails are now due; the letters of Wednesday and Thursday have not as yet arrived. We are consequently in a state of inactivity here this morning, hardly a single bargain having been effected either in the English or Foreign Funds. Our duty is therefore confined to the quotation of prices ; which, with one or two exceptions, must be considered as nominal.


We are still without the anxiously-expected French mails. The afternoon has passed more inactively, if possible, than the morning. The Portuguese Stock Market is firm ; and the little business that has occurred to-day has been at a trifling advance in price,.

3 per Cent. Consols Dit,o for Account New 34 per Ceti:. Anicti:ies Bank Sock

I Ala &trek

Exchequer Dills

lle!olan 5 per Cen', Braxili,,n 5 per Cents. ex. dm.

Danish 3 per Cents. ex. div 901 91 91 99/ 100 It 42pm 1014 f 761 ;a 76# roach 21 per Cents French 3 per Cents. Greek 0 , 5 per Cents .

Ale:lean 6 per Cents Portuguese 6 'sir Cents Do.RegrmicyStock,5perCent Prussian (MS) 5 per Cent russirm (1822) a per ('rust Spanish (1821)5 per Cent 521 — 4

831 0r 84 411 —

106# 5;*