25 OCTOBER 1856, Page 10



s of returning confidence have been apparent this week in the Eng- lish Stock Market, owing principally to a cessation of the withdrawals of gold from 'this country : there have been also better average accounts of the position of the Hank of France. An improvement is believed to have been exhibited at the branches ; and the large contract recently made for gold, and the efforts which the Bank and the Government are stated to be exercising upon money-dealers in Europe to prevent as far as possible a drain of silver in Paris, have lessened anxiety for the future; the Bourse has shown greater steadiness. Our Funds have been supported through the continued invest- ments of the public : the pressure for money on the Stock Exchange has been consequently diminished, and afforded timely assistance on Wednesday, when the heavy advances by the Bank on English Stocks and Gua- ranteed Turkish, which had been in course of repayment for several days, were finally discharged. As the demand for money out of doors

is still active, the future course of the Funds will greatly depend upon the support given by the public ; as the Bank will doubtless abide by their late decision in withholding loans on Government Securities with the exception of Exchequer Bills. Yesterday, Consols stood about I higher than last week, and closed at 921 1. Several operators for the fall have bought back their accounts. Today they have been i lower; they leave off at 921 and 921 for the Account. The market has been com- paratively quiet. Bank and India Stocks have not altered. Exchequer Bills Is. better.

Advices from Constantinople mention that the plans for the formation of a National Bank were to be sent in by the 11th instant. The loan, the raising of which was to form part of the conditions, is to be for 8,000,0001., instead of 5,000,0001., originally proposed.

Specie has arrived from New York amounting to 237,0001..: a great por- tion of this is for the Bank of France. The shipments of specie to India by the Indus amounted to 502,0911.; of which 493,1111. was silver.

The improvement in Consols has caused more activity in Foreign Stocks.

The principal rise, amounting to 4 per cent, has been in Buenos Ayres. Turkish Six per Cents, Chian, Peruvian, Sardinian, and Venezuela, are 1 better, Turkish Four per Cents 4' Spanish better. Dutch Two-and-a- half per Cents, and Swedish, have fallen 1.

Railways have been very buoyant. The leading descriptions have been

chiefly dealt in, and a considerable advance has taken place. Although the highest prices have not been in all cases maintained, the following improve- ment is still shown—Great Northern, Midland, and North-Eastern—Ber- wick, 21. 108. ; London and South-Western, 3/. ; London and North- Western, North-Eastern—York, and South-}fastern, 21., East Lancashire, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. ; Great Western,15s.; Lanes; shire and Yorkshire, 10s. There has been a moderate rise in French Shares, which did not last; in some instances they now bear the quotations of last

week. Western and North- Western of France is 10s., and Eastern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 5s. lower.

The English Market is quiet this morning, but there is rather a firmer tone; Consols for Money are 92i 1, and for Account 921 1. Exchequer Bills3 5 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 379,5851. There is no movement in Foreign Stocks. In Rail- ways there is very little doing, and prices have not varied—London and North-Western, 102/ ; Midland, 771; North-Eastern—Berwick, 79} ; Ditto Extension, 171; Ditto York, 561.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Ch 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents

The Alliance Bank, in conformity with French law, have published a statement of their proceedings from the opening on the 7th April to the 30th August. The transactions have amounted to 1,272,590/. ;• after deducting 13361. for current expenses, the profits were 7445/., or at the rate of 17 per cent per annum on the paid-up capital of 100,000/. The preliminary ex- penses were only 9341.

An intimation has been given to Mr. Cuthbert, the chairman of a com- mittee of proprietors, that Mr. Baylis has no longer any connexionwith the iJnitar Bank except as a shareholder.


92 1 914 i 92 1 21 212 14 Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 3 per Cents

Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853 68 94 214 75 54 43 5 6 4 7 6 5 3 5 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 225 30 Ditto 41 per Cents 95 7 86 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 411 21 99 101 Ditto Deferred 24 1 96 8 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents 891 90 83 5 Ditto4 per Cents Guaranteed. 991 100

The British Colonial Bank and Loan Company, at a meeting on Wednes- day, passed resolutions authorizing the Directors to made alterations in the deed and to adopt other measures for facilitating a dissolution.

The " National Guaranteed Manure Company," with a capital of 100,000/., propose to supply agriculturists with manures guaranteed to con- tain a specific percentage of the various fertilizers required. It is intended to purchase, with shares, two manure companies now in operation, one in London and the other in the North of England.

A company has been formed to convert Hungerford Hall into a dining establishment. The apartment is to be fitted up as " an ancient hall of chi- valry." Capital 25,0001.

A new company is announced in Faris with a capital of 240,0001., the ob- ject of which is the formation of public baths and washing establishments. It proposes to establish branches m most of the chief towns of France. The first issue of capital is to amount to 40,000/., in shares of 4/. each. The formation of institutions of this character is encouraged by a recent law, which authorizes the Government to grant a subvention to the extent of one-third of the total expenses attending their original establishment, in addition to a further grant of 15 per cent from the local authorities.

It is understood that the jobbers in the Stock Exchange have determined to refuse to deal in the shares of the Crystal Palace Company, in consequence of the extent to which the frauds in those shares have been carried, and the great inconvenience and annoyance to which all parties are liable who deal in those shares.—Morning Post.

The European and Australian Mail Company receive half thepostage on letters and newspapers they convey to Australia vitt the Cape of Good Hope. They will not be paid the 185,000/. a year, according to the terms of the new contract, until they commence conveying the Australian mails vii India and Egypt.

According to statistics published by the East India and China Association, of the shipping employed in trading with places within the limits of the East India Company's charter, there was, from the 1st January to the 30th September, an increase of 14 vessels and 72,400 tons entered inwards ; there was a decrease of 5 vessels, but an increase of 10,063 tons, entered outwards.

CRYSTAL PALACR.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday October 24, including season-ticket-holders, 17,805.