Is the Church of England Protestant? By Homersham Cox, M.A.
(Griffith, Farrau, and Co.)—If Mr. Homersham Cox would be con- tent with the assertion that "Protestant" is an inadequate description of the Church of England, we should have nothing to say against it. But he goes far beyond this. We have no space to state his argument, or to reply to it, except so far as one com- ment will go. The word " Protestant " is not found, it is true, in the formularies; but there is no Anglican divine of note in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, whatever school he may have belonged to, who does not use the term where the Roman controversy is concerned. Will Mr. Cox be content to be guided by the practice of the High Churchmen of the seventeenth century in this matter ? Very likely not ; he and his party have left them fax behind. But it is ridiculous to talk as if the term " Protestant " were peculiar to Evangelicals.