25 OCTOBER 1902, Page 15



Sin,—I have just returned from the opening of Bra.ndelhow, and feel it only due to the many readers of your pages who contributed to its purchase, and that at the time when our anxieties were heaviest, to tell them how much the thought of all they had done was in our memory, and gratitude to them in our hearts, as we stood round the small red dais on the mountain-side where the Princess Louise, so true a friend to open spaces, was declaring the ground open for the enjoy- ment of our people. Skiddaw was in front of us, the lake with all its islands far below us seen over slope of meadow and wood ; the side of Cat Bells golden with autumn fern was above us ; and as we saw the wealth of beauty and free expanse of lovely land which are henceforth devoted to the joy of all, to their rest and refreshment, a song of thankfulness to those who had saved the place seemed to be singing on in our hearts. I hope these words may reach those of your readers who from so many far-away places sent willing offer- ings, and helped to pile up the sum needed. It may interest some who had, and some who had not, an oppor- tunity of contributing to the purchase of Brandelbow to know that the National Trust has now an opportunity of securing nine acres of bill-top near Monmouth, overlooking the valley of the Wye, and with far views over nine counties. The place is called Kymin Hill, and is associated with memories of Nelson, who visited it in 1802, with our great lInglish Admirals and naval victories, there being a memorial

to them on its top ; but, besides this, it will form another of those beautiful natural enduring, though ever-changing, national pictures to which you refer in your columns. The sum needed is £400, including expenses. To those who feel giving to be a joy, and would like to have a share in making this gift to posterity, I would appeal, and the more earnestly that a notion seems to prevail that the sum being small, we are sure to get it. I earnestly hope we may, but we have only a very small part of it now, and the preservation of such a view [We trust that our readers may be inclined to help the National Trust in securing this beautiful hill-top, and in placing it for ever in the National Gallery of Natural Pic- tures. They should send their subscriptions either to Miss Octavia Hill, or to the Secretary of the National Trust, 25 Victoria Street, S.W.—En. Spectator.]