The Cathedrals of Great Britain. By P. H. Ditchfield, M.A.
(J. M.; Dent and Co. 75. 6d. net.)—The title of' book suffi- ciently incficates its 'subject. It may be mentioned, hOwever, that the word " Cathedral" is not used in its strict sense, as a church where a Bishop has a cathedra. This extension includes West- minster Abbey and Beverley in England, and Glaegew,Brechin, Aheideen, Dunblane, i)inikeld, St. Andrews, and St. Giles, Edin- burgh. 'these, however, are hastily and briefly notieed, nor have they any illustrations. 'Possibly it may be intended to let us
have something about them in another volume. The book is well and copiously illustrated by Mr. Herbert Railton, Mr. J. A. Symington, and others, who seem to have worked together most successfully. Few tours are more interesting than one to the Cathedrals, a certain region being taken year by year. For such a journey this volume would be an excellent companion.