The Little Green God. By Caroline Atwater Mason. (Fleming H.
Revell. 2s. 6d. net.) — The Rev. Titus Fletcher comes back to the United States after labouring for many years in India as a missionary, and finds himself confronted by a foolish craze for the very idolatries which he has been labouring to over- throw. He has brought with him an image of Vishnu wherewith, along with other similar things, to illustrate his lectures; and he hears another lecturer read esoteric meanings into the Vishnu fables. Christ, he is told, is but one of the deities of a philo- sophical pantheon. And all this becomes the more intolerable to hint because it is countenanced by an old College friend, presiding over a fashionable church, who extends to him a kindly hospitality. The book is a powerful indictment of a very silly practice. It is right to trace the truth that underlies other beliefs, but for a Christian to speak smooth things of the abominations which have accreted to them in popular belief and practice is quite another matter. Possibly it might be as well to leave such follies alone. Here, at least, they are of the very smallest importance.