In his speech in the Free Trade Hall at Manchester
last Saturday Mr. Churchill repeated his proposal to Germany of a naval " holiday." Since Mr. Churchill made his last offer on the introduction of the Estimates this year, the German Chancellor has stated that his Government awaited details. Mr. Churchill had a definite proposal to bring forward on Saturday, and he remarked that the greatly improved relations with Germany provided a favourable opportunity for having it discussed. Next year, " apart from the Canadian ships and their equivalent, apart from anything that may be required by new developments in the Mediterranean," the Admiralty intends to lay down four great ships against two by Germany. The offer is that if Germany will postpone the beginning of her two ships for twelve months the British Admiralty will postpone the beginning of four ships for the same period. The saving would be to Great Britain twelve millions spread over three years, and to Germany six millions spread over three years. Mr. Churchill explained that the offer assumed that the " holiday " would also be observed by the other Great Powers.