Shorter notices
Description of Moscow and Muscovy Sigmund von Herberstein (Dent 28s). Baron Sigmund von Herberstein was German Ambassador to Moscow in 1517- 18: in his retirement he wrote the first, and perhaps the best description of Russia ever to appear in the West. It has been pub- lished in hundreds of editions, and still tells us more about Russia than any of the present avalanche of travel books. The present abridged, modernised and savagely mutilated translation at least gives a glimpse Into the riches of the original.
Young Japan John R. Black (our 2 vols £8 15s). John Black, who wrote this very individual, animated and congenial eye- witness account of Japan during the crucial period 1858-1879, was a pioneer journalist who edited some of the country's first English-language newspapers and magazines. Black took much pride and interest in the changes and developments of Japanese society: his articles and editorials provide basic material for this book and the result Is a glorious hodge-podge of news both national and local, momentous and fairly goldmine for the social historian and anyone else interested in the personali- ties, problems and piquancies of the period.