In praise of stealth
Sir : Mr Robert Skidelsky is not untie wards The Masters of Power (18 Octo but he does not seem to have read it carefully. If a 'thesis', in the sense i he uses the word, implies advocacy. t should like to make it clear that 1 do advocate that `power now has to be exe by stealth'. I do not, in fact, advocate thing in the expository parts of my simply note the fact that power oft. exercised in that way because no other is possible.
Nor do I propose that our legis should henceforth be recruited `graduates in the social sciences' (a no from page 362). What I do propose creation of a profession of politics. oi such graduates among many other c te. of people, not necessarily graduates Finally, I do not, as Mr Skidelsk do, propose to create a bloc heade United States and dedicated to the ore of the present regimes in Russia an I do propose the dissolution of the U Nations and its replacement by another national body excluding the pr states', which include the Soviet Vol' the Chinese People's Republic.
Brian 199 Piccadilly, London WI