Staying power
From Bruce Shaxson
Sir: Michael Gove has shown considerable if uncharacteristic constraint in his condemnation of Mr Duncan Smith (`Terminal depression', 18 October), though he relishes having found one front-bench Conservative MP to quote, 'We know he's a crap leader'. Maybe I, too, could find someone with influence on the Times who thinks Mr Gove is a crap journalist. Which of course he isn't; but I would not exhibit such arrogance in quoting an unnamed informer.
Democracy is challenged when the media, particularly our free press, employ ungentlemanly behaviour when hurling often uncalled-for and unseemly criticism at the Leader of the Opposition or any other democratically elected person with such continued ferocity.
Having continued for so long now it is little wonder that not only the front-bench MPs but practically everyone else is well and truly shellshocked, almost into a state of manic depression, over the issue.
That Mr Duncan Smith is still in office is
cause for real wonder at his strength of character, if nothing else.
Bruce Shaxson
Grayshott, Surrey