'Liberal' Mr Liddle
From Joanna Gray Sir: Rod Liddle does not believe in holding back when it comes to offending people ('Who's to blame for African homophobia?', 18 October). When you offend, you might as well offend as large a group of people as possible, Catholics as well as traditionalists among Anglicans. I am a Catholic, a Pole and a believer that the Pope happens to be right in his teachings about sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. which presumably makes me a `bigoted middle-aged Pole'. Mr Liddle is, of course, perfectly entitled to his opinion about the Pope and the morality advocated by the Holy Father. It is simply disappointing that he himself expresses it in the sanctimonious tone so characteristic of the 'enlightened' liberal Left, who impose their views with a zeal that would not be out of place in a totalitarian regime.
Joanna Gray
Trimley St Martin, Suffolk