Prince TALLEYRAND left Paris on his mission to England on
the 2 1st, and arrived at Calais on the 23rd. If the weather per- mitted he would cross yesterday, and may therefore be expected in town to-day. Count LonAu arrived at Paris on Friday, sent by his Prussian: Majesty to congratulate Louis PHILIP on his accession. The Duke de MONTEBELLO writes on the 11th of September from Madrid, to. state that he had been received in the most cOrdial manner by FERDINA.ND and his Ministers. At the meeting of the Cour Royale on Monday, two of the Prel sidents—one of them the son of the celebrated DESEZE, the able and virtuous defender of Louis the Sixteenth, and six councillors among whom is M. COTTU, Captain BASIL HALL'S idol of poli- tical sagacity—were declared to have forfeited their offices by reason of absence. The offices of the four Judges of the Tribunal of Premiere Instance were declared vacant for a similar reason.
The Funds have been so low (the 3 per Cents.) as 64.40: they, however, rallied considerably on Friday. There seems no parti- cular cause assignable for the depression, except the general shock which mercantile credit, the most sensitive of all plants, has re- ceived by the recently-disturbed state of the kingdom, and the ne- cessity which this has imposed on merchants who had property in the Funds to withdraw it. Until credit be restored, they must continue low ; and should commerce become vigorous they may be prevented from rising from another cause, namely, the rise of interest consequent on the rise of profits.