Reports have been circulated of a powerful Prussian force having
taken up a position between Sarr-lonis and Sarrbruck ; but they seem to be premature at the least. The feelings of the Prussian Monarch towards his Rhenish provinces are pretty well shown by the speech of Prince WILLIAM to the authorities of Coblentz, in answer to their address to him at his late visit :— " The King has charged me to declare to his subjects of the Rhenish Provinces, how deeply he regrets not being able to come among them. The late events in France render his presence in the capitrl necessary. However, the King is firmly resolved not to interfere in the affairs of that country, and to let the volcano consume itself in the interior. But if the French should attack our frontiers, the King would then collect all his forces to repel them. The works which have been executed at Co- blentz, and which form a powerful bulwark of the monarchy, prove the importance which his Majesty attaches to the Rhenish Provinces, and his firm resolution to defend them to the utmost extremity."