The intelligence of the revolution in Dresden, to which we
al- luded in our last number, rested on private letters ; subsequent arrivals confirm it in all its essentials. The King has really, though not formally, resigned in favour of his nephew ; the King's brother has resigned both really and formally in favour of his son. The notice of these changes was conveyed to the people of Saxony by the following proclamation. "We, Anthony, by the grace of God, King of Saxony, hereby give no- tice, that, to relieve the duties of government which lie on us, and in paternal regard for our subjects, we have, in concert with our beloved brother, Maximilian. Duke of Saxony, chosen our dearly beloved nephew. Frederick Augustus, Duke of Saxony, to be joint Regent of our domi-: nions : in consequence, all matters brought before us for decision, shall be proposed in his presence, and the resolutions signed by him also. And we, Maximilian. Duke of Saxony, hereby not only declare our assent to the above, but likewise voluntarily renounce, in favour of our dear son, Frederick Augustus, Duke of Saxony, the right of succession to the throne of caxony.
" Given at Pillnitz, Sept. 13, 1830. " AmroNv, (L. S.) " MAXIMILTAN, (L. S.) " GOTTLOR ADOLPH ERNST JAM:I:NI/0RP. " JOHANN ADOLPH VON ZEZSCHWITZ.
" JULIUS TRANG017 JACOLI VON KONNERITZ." Here is another King to be recognized 1,y the Allied Powers. By and by their whole business will be recognitions.