DONCASTER RACES. — It is whimsical to observe with what pertina- city
of purpose or of folly the people who report on such matters con- tinue to impose on the public, if not on themselves, in their estimate of the qualities of the horses for a St. Leger or any other important race. So well is this known even by novices, that it has become almost a rule with a man who has a mind to venture his money without losing it, to bet against the favourite. Are the wonderful secrets of jockeyship a mere pretence ; or is there a regular and systematized plan of imposition kept up among the masters and backers of the horses to cheat the public ? We are inclined to think that there is a mixture of both—that the very sagacious gentlemen who would have us believe that they can tell at a glance a horse's capabilities of speed and endurance are for the most part a set of ignorant pretenders ; and that the bets at Tattersall's and at the race-course have no more reality in them than the time-bargains in Bartholomew Lane ; that so fur from the figures on these lists being indicative of the real value of the animals against which they are placed, they indicate, for the most part, the very contrary. It is indeed the custom to have a good horse at the head of the book ; this is necessary for the support of the system ; but the good horse will in almost every case be found in the middle, if not at the bottom. On Sunday, the sporting reporter of Doncaster, relating of course. the gossip of the Place, says- " The extraordinary success of the crack Newmarket horse (Priam) has not only tlarly destroyed the betting, but has completely frightened several others from sunning for it. Certainly, there was never an occasion. upon which the favourite entered the lists with such brilliant prospect. lie,uon the Riddlesworth in the most 'clever racing-like manner, and would have heat Augustus for the Column Stakes with equal facility; but for a bad start. The subsequenCrunning of the two sufficiently proved the great Inferiority of Lord Exeter's horse'. The Derby was nothing more than a gallop for him, as was evinced by his defeating some of the foremost horses in a subsequent race, at Ascot; and that with 7lbs. extra on his back. By these races, together with his forfeits, he has netted to his owner the large sum of seven or eight thousand pounds in stakes alone. The pretensions of the Yorkshire horses are feeble; Hassan, the Cardinal, Maria, and one or two others, are their sole reliance; the two latter have certainly won smie races in a very clever style, but have each sustained more than one defeat; the other is an amateur, his performances having hitherto been in private and they are represented as won- derful. We must confess that we always doubt pretensions that are founded only on trials, for they generally turn out deceptive. Brunswicker has invariably die- appointed his friends, yet they still prop hint up in the betting, declaring that he will 'win and nothing else.' St. Nicholas is not entitled to much consideration. His running is decidedly bad. The West depend upon Moss Rose and Birmingham, nor can it be denied that they take the held in greater force than usual. However, if we take the average of the running at Newmarket. Epsom, and York, nothing comes near Priam, and we may almost venture to look upon the Great St. Leger as already in Mr. Chiffney's pocket !"
The betting-books, mi. he faith of which this prophetic annunciation
is made, stood on Saturday thus— "Sr. LEGS 5-6 to 5 agst. Mr. Chiffney's Priam; 9 to I agst. Lord Queensberry's Hassan ; 12 to 1 agst. Mr. Clifton's Moss It0i4e 13 to I agst. Mr. E. Shepherd's The Cardiaal; 13 to 1 agst. Mr. Petre's Brunswicker; 20 to I agst. the Duke of Leeds's Lady Mowbray ; 15 to 1 agst. Mr. Beardsworth's Birmingham ; 20 to 1 agst. Lord Queensberrv's Maria; SO to 1 agst. Mr. T. Shepherd's Revolution ; $0 to I agst. Capt. Grant's The Balkan; 1,000 to 10 agst. Mr. Richardson's St. Islicholas."
At starting, the odds in behalf of Priam became even, for the betting on him was as nearly as possible cent, per cent. The others stood thus-
" 7 to I agst. Hassan; 12 to 1 agst. Brunswicker; 14 to I agst. 1110AE Rose; 15 to agst. Birmingham; 16 to 1 agst. the Cardinal ; 20 to 1 agst, Maria; 25 to I agst. Lady Mowbray ; 2510 1 agst. St. Nicholas; all the rest at very high odds."
Now let us see how they came in.
"At three o'clock" precisely, says the report, "the horses were saddled. The. jockies, having received the several instructions from Mr. Lockwood as to starting, paraded before the Grand Stand, and then took their places at the post. A more equal start could not have occurred—all got well off at the first word, and no one can pretend that he lost on that score. If there was any advantage it was gained by Emancipation, who took a decided lead, at a very middling pace, Maria having the second place; and-behind her The Cardinal, Birmingham, Bruuswicker, Lady Mowbray, The Chancellor, Mimic, Moss Rose; Pedestrian, and Lawrie Todd, Priam lying in the centre of the lot. In this order they ran as fares the hill, and, at this. early part of the race. Revolution, and two or three more of the same grade, found that they had had quite enough of it. No other change of importance took place till they got to the Red House, where symptoms of being tired were evinced by Hassan, Moss Rose, Lady Mowbray, and The Chancellor. Lady Emmeline, at this point, swerved against Brunswicker, and nearly knocked him down. All this time Priam remained in the situation he had occupied at the commencement—he now drew a little upon his horses, at the same time occasioning a considerable amend- ment in the speed, which directly after became severe. Emancipation continued the lead, Maria, Pedestrian, and The Cardinal. lying close behind, while Birming- ham and Mimic were nearly abreast of Priam. Half•way between the end of the rails and the distance, another change-occurred—The Cardinal, Pedestrian, Maria, and Lawrie Todd, giving up further contest. At the distance Conolly called upon Birmingham, Chifney at the same time making a strong effort with Priam. At the Stand, Birmingham headed Emancipation, and instantly after Priam did the same. Chifney now began whipping and spurring. Conolly working his horse, but without using the whip, and winninj clever.'y by half a length."
Estimated by the betting-books, the result of the race would have been,
. Priam . . . . . • - • 1
Hassan 2 Brunswicker 3
' Moss Rose' '• • • • . 4 Estimated by the event, the result of the race has been Lord Milton's Dora,4 yrs. SA. (H. Edwards) Pedestrian • • • • • • 4 The Corporation Pnrse of a0/. Heats, Two Miles. Hassan and all the rest of them, to use the regular phrase, " nowhere Duke of Leeds's c. m. Jenny lills, yrs. Sst. (Templeman) 2 1 1 sat all." The third and fourth horses, it is to be observed, had passed Dlr. Metcalfe's' Giglet, 4 yrs. 7st. fillas. (Lye) ..... ..... . 3 8dr. Absolutely unnoticed until the race declared their value. So much for Mr. Bailey's Utrecht, 3 yrs. 6st. 7lbs. (Smile).- .. ....... 4 dr. Turf calculations. Won cleverly.
The weather at Doncaster has been, as in town, very indifferent-cold Thiel Day-Wednesday.
Duke of Leech'', Duke and Duchess of St. Albans, Puke of Portland, Marquis of Lord Fitzwilliam's b. h. Medoro, 6 yrs. 9st. 41b. Cleveland, Marchioness of Hastings. Earls-Wilton, Errol, Chesterfield, Uxbridge, Mr. Houldsworth's ch. f. Fortitude, 4 yrs. Sat. 1lb. ....... •... 2
Cecil, Ranelagh, James Fitzroy' Milton, Kelburne, W. Paulet, Talbot, Forester, (rode by H. Edwards) then went up and beat her without difficulty.
Newark, E. Somerset, Durham, A. Bettuelerck, Beati lick. Stomach lilativers. Ladies Four year old Stakes of 30 sovereigns each, 20 ft. St. Leger Course, 5 Subs.
• --Louisa and Mary Beauclerk, Johnstone, Stanley, A. Minh:ark, A Vane, L. Dun- Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Ron-ton, 8st. 71b• . •• - • ..... • • o - • • •• • 1
a:mitre, M. Wood, C. Denison, Cecil Talbot, H. Cooke, Selina and Flora Hastings, Lord Cleveland's b. c. Stotforth, tist. 71b. Milner, Milton, Gerard, Rze. Sirs-D. Baird, H. Wood, J. Fraser, J. Johnstone, . . 2 W. Mil J W T. 0. Powlett, J. :4. Wortley, C. Wortley, W. Lascelles, J. Wentworth, W. Coch- race, E. Jarvis, Geo. Anson, W. G. Howard, (and Rev.) Lumley Saville, R. H. T Browne, A. Ramsey. Ilan. Mistresses-Herbert. Cochrane. Hon. Misses-Went- worth, Duncombe. General Shurpe, Admiral Collinson. Colonels-Peel, Craw- ford, Lee, Russell, Udny, Han cox, Shulrick, Athorpe, Cradock, Hawkins, Osborne, Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Crescent, Sat. 71b. ..... ...... . . . 3
J. Mills, Ewbank, T. Hoiddsworth, H.P. W. Houldsworth, Irby, Pigut, Mundy, Leger Course. 6 subs. The winner to be sold for 250 guineas, &c.
White, Gascoyne, 0. Gascoyne, S. L. Fox, W. L. Fox, E. Fox, G. Osbaldestone, Lord Scarborough's b. c. Carolan, d yrs. 6st. 121b. ... .............. 1 Gaskell, Russell, Calvert, C. Gordon, thigdale, Dunlop, Forester, Dowbiggen„ R. Mr. Petre's hr. c. Reginald, 3 yrs. 6st. 121b ......... ........... • 2
:Gerard, F. Gerard, Masters, Wormald, Foljauthe, Hothani' Stapylton, Tempest, Mr. Chilton's b. c. Prince Eugene, 4 yrs. 8st 3
Nowell, Delme Radcliffe, F. Scott, Branching, Gaily Knight, Godfrey, .95)1116, Gif- Mr. Attwood's ch. c. Argantes, 3 yrs. est 121b . . 4
Dathiany, H. de Estrada, M. Costobadie, M. Petijeau. Mrs.-Foljambe,Brandling, Fourth Day-Thursday.
Dastard, Stanhope, Beaumont, Nowell, Jebb, F. Scott, Gaily Knight. Misses- Diatah-.500 sovereigns each, h. ft. Mile and half.
Vernon, Miners, Brandlings, Watts, Stanley, Hotham, Bastard, Yarborough, Mr. W. Chifney's b. c. Priam, SA... ... . . 1
Stanhopes, Chaloner, Cochranes, Copleys, &c. Lord Kilburn's Retriever, Set.51b. ..• ...... ...... ...... 2
aged, 9t. 10th. Mile and a Half. Six Subs. and won very easy by three or four lengths. H. Edward rode the loser.
Mr. Clifton's hr. h. Fylde, by Antonio, 6 yrs. .... ...... .... . 2 44 Subscribers.
Dir. Grant's Lady Emily, 4 yrs. and Mr. Gascoyne's ch. 1. by Whisker 3 yrs. also • Dir. Beardsworth's b. c. Coliviek, by Filho., .. 2
Warted. Lord Slisu's ch. C. Bras de Fer, by Langan.... ... 3
Betting 6 to 4 nat. Fylde ; 2 to I agst. Lady Emily ; and 4 to 1 agst. the winner. ,. Mr. Watt's b. c.., by Tramp, dam by Whisker 4
by Darling, Victoire by Scott, Clarence by Nelson, Colwick by Ternpleman, Powlett's 7 Subscribers. by Nicholson, and Ghana by Johnson. Value of the stakes 875/. Dir. Chifney's Priam walked over.
Duke of Leeds Rossignol walked over. 311.7. St. Leger course, 10 Subscribers.
begged; a smart race home was won by half a length. that he was backed against the other at 7 to 4. The race was Lord Kilburn's all the Mr. Walker's b. C. Mendicant, 4 yrs, lOst. 711r 2 Scott the loser. Value 1,2001.
Mr. Grant's Lady Emily, 4 yrs, I Ost. 71h........ ..... .. 4 6 yrs. and aged, 9st. About 2 miles and 5 furlongs.
2 to 1 agst the winner, and 2 to I agst Cambridge. Won in a common canter. Lord Kilburn's Retriever, 4 yrs. ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... 1
The winner rode by H. Edwards. Lord Milton's Medoro, 6 yrs
Second Dee-Tuesday. aged (Nelson) ; Major Yarburgh's Laurel, 6 yrs. (Nicholson) ; Mr. Petre's Bruns- Two-year old Produce Stakes of 100 sovereigns each. h. ft. Colts Sat 51b, and fillies wicker, 3 yrs. (Holmes) ; Lord Queensberry's Hassan, 3 yrs. (J. Gray) ; Mr. AP'
8st 31b. Red House in. Six Subs. nold's Dolby, 3 yrs, (J..Dodgson).
loser by H. Edwards made good running, followed by Brunswicker second, Laurel third, Retriever The Great St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three-year old colts $st 61b, fourth, Medoro fifth, Dolly sixth, and Hassan last, at about a length from each
Mr. Chifney's Priam, by Emilius Laurel, defeated her, and, to all appearance, was winning. Diedoro and Retriever 'The following also started, but were not placed :-Sir. Riddell's Emancipation then came up, and near to the stand went by him, and contested the most severe (Johnson) ; Mr. W. Scott's Pedestrian (Garbutt) ; Lord Queensberry's Nassau race of the meeting, Retriever winning by a head. Rode by Lye (who won the cup (Arnull ;) Lord Queensberry's Maria (.1. Day); Duke of Leeds's Lady Mowbray last year on Voltaire), aud Medoro by H. Edwards. So line a thing was it at the (Robinson); Duke of Leeds's Redstart (G. Edwards); Mr. Petre's Brunswicker finish, that Edwards declared he won, and a long wrangle ensued.
(Scott); Mr. Metcalfe's Mimic (Lye) ; Sir. Clifton's Moss Rose (Darling) ; Mr. Grant's The Balkan (Buckle jun.) ; Mr. Arnold's Polly (Dodson) ; Mr. Wright's The settling for the St. Leger was a light one, as far as amount went, hut similes Ides (W.Whetherill) ; Sir T. Stanley's Lawrie Told (Templernan); Mr Shepherd's it was, the money came forth very tardily-many thousands were on Wednesday
The Cardinal (Nicholson) ; Mr. Walker's Splendour (Holmes) ; Dir. T. Shepherd's' .
Devolution (Owner); Sir 0. Beresford's Lisette colt (J. Gray) ; Air. Nowell's f. by Ivanhoe, out of Bantipole (Greathead) ; Mr. Eicbardson's Jay (J. Wright); Mr. The winner, Birmingham, was bred by Mr. Lacey; so was Independence. Mr. Richardson's Handrail (P. Yates) ; Mr. Richardson's St. Nicholas (H. Edwards) ; Beardsworth purchased them together ; Birmingham (then a foal) for 55 smi- ler. Powlett's Lady Emmeline (Bitten) ; Lord Scarborough's The Chancellor (Nell- rims, and Independence for 75 guineas. Birmingham was got by Filho da Puta out. M i
Ion) 8 Mr. Houldsworth's Beagle (Cowley) ; Lord Kelburne's C. by Woful, out of of is Craigie, by Orville, her dam Marchioness, by Lurcher, out of Miss Cogden, te Emilia (Dockeray); Mr. Gascoyne's c. by Blacklock, out of Cora (H. Cooper). by Yhnomenon. Conony, who rode Birmingham, has had several large presents The Doncaster Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, and 20 added. Two Miles. 15 subs, that he is. likely to net 1,6001. in this way. Among the winners by the race are Mr Lord Cleveland's Stotforth, 4 yrs. 8st.- (J. Day) .. ........ .. 2 about 3,0001.; and ilft.'Anderson, the singer, 2,4001. Birmingham . . . . . 1 Mr. Cradock's Giglet, 4 yrs. 8st. (Lye) .. . . . 0 Mr. Gascoyne's C. by Whisker-Louisa, 3 yrs. 6st. 101bs. (Grey). 0
Priam . . . . ... 2 Mr. Houldsworth's Varnish, 5 yrs. 8st. 9lbs. (Darling) 0 Emancipation . ' . . . . . 3 Only two placed. No betting. Cistercian won by a neck after a close race.
a 5
Mr. flouldsworth's Abel 4 yrs. ist. 9lbs. (It. Lowe);.. ... 1 2 2 ' and wet, the company was numerous and fashionable. The following is The Cleveland Stakes O'f 25 sovereigns each, 15 ft. and only five if declared, &c. with
a list of the more conspicuous :- 20 sovereigns added by the Corporation. The owner of the second horse to save his stake. St. Leger Course, 14 Subs. nine of whom declared.
liarewood, Portarlington, Fitzwi 1 Liam, Scarborough. Lords - W barn elate, T. 2 to 1 on Fortitude, who made ninning to the stand at a wretched pace. Medoro 3
ner, G. Pigot, L. Glyn, . Gerard, . Cooke T. Sykes, T and 4 to 1 on Rowton, who cantered in front to the gravel road, where Stotforth . Stanley, J. Kaye, passed him and fell into steady running, keeping it up to the end of the rails. Here 'I'. Legard. Honourables-E. Petre, E. L. Jerningimm, W. Duncombe, - Butler, Scott went up with Rowton. Rowton won by a neck.
he Foal Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, Ii. ft. Mile and half. 10 Subs.
71b....... . .... 2 Mr. F. Richardson's b. c. St. Nicholas, 8st. 71b. . .. 1 Lord Queeosberry's b. c. Hassan, Sst.
Lyster, Clifton, King, Reeve, Standen, Richardson, Riddell, Cooper, Gardiner. 6 to 4 apt Hassan ' • 2 to 1 agst Nicholas, and .5 to 2 agst Crescent. Before start- Majors-Yarburgh, Ellis, Booth, Fleming, Wood, Tulle, Johnstone. Captains- ing the latter reared up and threw Darling, who, fortunately, escaped uninjured. Buller, Grant, Macnanaara, G. Bulkeley. Fitzclarence, Taylor, Hunter, Byng, Sisson, Hassan took the lead, followed by Crescent, who made an attempt to get up when Clive, Vyner, Dearden, Owen, Delme Radcliffe, Do whiggen, Prays, Ferguson, Agnew, near the Red House, but failing, was beat off the rails. Edwards got alongside at Gordon, Smith, Kaye, Jebb, Ramsdell, Campbell, England, Tytler, Gray, al acquesa, the stand, and finally defeated him very cleverly. Antall rude Hassan, and Darling Zee. Messieurs-Greville,Rous, E. Wilson, Ogilvie, Gratwicke, Wyvell, Diazringhi, the other.
Fitzherbert, Clough, Antrobus, Payne, Holyoake, Stonehewer, B. Craven, F. Craven, The All Age Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, and 2A added by the Corporation. St.
We subjoin the runnings of each day. This match was originally made to be run on the last day of the races, and was brought forward to,day by mutual consent. Priam was backed at 7 to 4, although as a
First Day-illonday. 3-year old. he carried only 51b. less than Retriever: the result proved that the weights
Match 500 sovereigns, each, Is ft. One Mile ought to have been reversed to bring the horses together upon equal terms. Retriever Lord Kelburne's Retriever, 4 yrs. Set. 31b. received. Mr. Ridsdale's Little Red took the lead at a fair pace, Priam lying about a couple of lengths behind till they Lord Scarborough's hr. C. Wincliffe, by Waverley, 3 yrs. ....... 1 The 2-year-old Stakes of 20 sovereigns each ; colts, 8st 51b. ; fillies, Sst. 21b. T. Y. C.
butt). yagne to the Doncaster Racing Club. Betting 5 to 2 agst Circassian, 7 to 2 agst Victoire, 7 to 1 agst Colwick, 7 to 1 agst. Mr. Houldsworth's Frederica, by Sultan . Skipsey, and 10 to 1 agst Goodluck. After two false starts, Skipsey's colt got off in Mr. Walker's Victoire, by Whisker.... .... . . 2 front, Mr. S. Fox's filly following him, Circassian next, and the others well up ; at Lord Scarborough's bl. C. Clarence . 3 the turn Skipsey's colt gave way, and was directly after followed by Mr. Fox's Cir- Four-yr old Produce Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. 11 Subscribers. Three-year-old stakes of 200 sovereigns each, h. ft. colts, 4 yrs 8st. 61b. fillies, thit Match, 200 each, h. ft. St. Leger Course. Lord Kilburn's ch. c. by Woful, out of Emilia.. ...... ....... .. 1 Dir. Myttou's b. h. Ralston, 5 yrs. 8st. 71b. (Darling) . 2 Nothing but the great value of the stakes could have justified the starting of 6 to 5 on the mare. Ilalston made running to the Stand, where Bessy chal- Little Red Rover; such however was the opinion entertained of his game qualities, His Majesty's Plate of 100 guineas. Four miles. way, the Little Rover never reaching within two or three lengths of him at any Lord Milton's hr. in. Ballad Singer, 5 yrs, list. 71b.... ........ 1 part of it. It was won at last by about three lengths. Lye rode the winner, and Lord Scarborough's hr. h. Cambridge, 5 yrs, list. 711,. . 3 The Gold Cup, value 150 sovereigns. 3 yrs. 7st.; 4 yrs. Sat. 31b. ; 5 yrs. Sat. 101b. ; The following also started, but were not placed :-His Majesty's Fleur de Lis, Mr Houldsworth's Circassian, by Sultan.- ......... ..... .. I Nothing was fancied in the betting but the old mare, against whom they laid 5 to
Lord Kelburne's ch. 1. by Comus-Georgiana..... . ..... ... .2 4 only, Laurel at 3 to 1, and Medoro at 6 to 1. Brunswicker was quoted at 10 to 1,
and fillies Sat 81b. St Leger Course. 65 Subs, other, to the hill, when the mare began to close ; the mare still continuing the Mr. Beardsworth's Birmingham by Filho........ .... ... .1 lead, kept her situation till near the distance-post, when Nicholson brought up still unpaid. The Warwickshire gentlemen are almost the only winners; Mr. Beardsworth nets 19,0001.
Value of the Stakes 1,7001. for his skilful and fortunatejockeyship. Mr. Beardsworth gave him 500/. his son and' adding 501. each. He has also received other gifts, and we are informed.
Lord Scarborough's Cistercian,4 irs.8st. (Nelson) . 1 Isaac Sadie who pockets between mew. and 4.0001.; Mr. Robinson, of Manchester'