25 SEPTEMBER 1841, Page 22


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Dykes and Cooper, High Street, St. Giles's. stationers-Bowen and Long, Milt Lane, Tooley Street, psatoe-merchants-Lloyd and Hudson, Myddleton Square, apothecaries -Walker and Bony-then. blacking manufactarers-Leay and Hogarth. Tranmere, Cheshire, builders--W. and C. Wilsou, Bensbam, Durham, brick- niunufacturers-C. and H. Hughes, Walworth Road, cheesemongers-Gilbert and Frasi, Golden Lane, iron-fottuders-Peters and Hunter, Tunbridge Wells, leather-cutters-T. T.. H., and N. S. Glazebrook, Liverpool, brewers-Rugg and Hartley, Langeliffe, Yorkshire, paper- miumfacturers-Walker and Co. Croesfan, Carmartheushire, miners-M•Donald and lid'Ilmorrow. Norwich. drapers-Greaves and Heginbottom. Manchester commis- sion-agents-Molloy and Richards. Liverpool, paper-rulers - Overeud and Russell, Sheffield, surgeons -Haselden and Co. Liverpod, ship-builders-L. and J. Martin. Wimborne Minster. farmers -Roden and Ogden, Droylsden, Lancashire, brick-makers -Boycot and Poole, Kidderminster, mercers.


CHILVER, Ammar. Ipswich, cabinet-maker, Sept. 21. MELD, Joan, and Co. Quick, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners, Sept. 21.


Byers, Joan Witzuw, Cheltenham, general-agent.


Baas-rams WILLIAM. Nottingham, draper, to surrender Sept. 30, Nov. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Payne and Cann, Nottingham. and Mr. Gresham. Castle Street, Holborn. Borssa, JOSEPH, Walsall, saddlers' ironmonger. Oct. 16, Nov. 2: solicitors, Messrs. 'White and Eyre, Bedford Row; and Mr. Smith, Walsall. DRINKWATEE, Wzmaan, Salford, woollen-cord-manufacturer, Oct. 7. Nov. 2: solici- tors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; aud Mr. Hewitt, Manchester. Hrrcncocs, WILLIAM, Regent Street, linendmper, Oct. 4, NOV. 2: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size Lane; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. HAY, RICHARD, Halton, Yorkshire. grocer. Sept. 27, Nov. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Richardson, Leeds. MACICAY. HuGH and ARCHIBALD FRASER. Liverpool, merchants. Oct. 9, Nov. 2; nolicitors, Messrs. Lowndes and Co. Liverpool ; and Sharpe and CO. Bedford Row.

NEECH, ROBERT senior, Kukley. Suffolk, farmer, Sept. 23, Nov. 2: solicitors. Messrs. Reynolds and Palmer, Great Yarmouth; and Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Ion.

Ferree, RICHARD, and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners, Oct. 2, Nov. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Makinsou and Sanders. Temple: and Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester.

Seemarro, JAMES Moss, Halstead, Essex, scrivener, Oct. 5, 6. Nov. 2 solicitors, Mr. Daniel, Colchester; and Messrs. Wildeand Co. College Hill.


Oct. 14, Cadbury, New Bond Street. cheesemonger-Oct. 14, Woolcott, Brovrnlow Mews, Gray's Inn Lane, builder-Ott, 14, Beecham, Dover, plumber-Oct. 14, Pelt, Hampstead, carpenter-Oct. 16, Sparkes, Stanhope Street, Clare Market, builder- Oct_ 16, Duckham, Little Love Lane, Wood Street, hosier-Oct. 14, Mallet. Wardour Street, printer-Oct. 14, Weldon, Holies Street, Cavendish Square, tailor-Oct. 13, Kewell, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Staffordshire-warehouseman-Oct. 16, Morrell, Bo- rotighbridge, victualler-Feb. 21, Jones, Oxford, chemist-Oct. 14, Honey, Bedroll], Cornwall, lineudraper-Oct. 15, Balshaw. Altrinchara. Cheshire, bookseller-Oct. 15, Daglish, Newcastle upon-Tyne, joiner-Oct. 16, Theobald. Norwich, bombasin-manu- facturer -Jan. 3, Jennings, Bungay, maltster - Oct. 14, Price and Edwards, Shrews- bury, bankers-Oct. 14, Huddleston, Monk Wearmonth Shore, Durham, boat-builder.


Ti. be granted, mans came be shown to the contrary. on or before Oct. 12. Edwards, Bristol, corn-dealer-Court, Glastonbury. cattle-dealer-Gill, Rushfield, Yorkshire. fancy-manufacturer-Paterson. Chelsea, been er -Jordan, Wolverhampton, broker-Northcroft, Egham, builder-Milner. Kingston-upon-Hull, confectioner.


Dom, Wrmasst. Dundee. merchant, Sept. 24, Oct. 18. MONTGOMERY, Rosner, Johnstone, cotton-spinner, Sept. 27, Oct. 18. PATERSON, DAVID, Brumfield, yarn-bleacher, Sept. 28, Oct. 19. SIM. MARGARET, Glasgow, provision-dealer. Sept. 24. Oct. 15. Wrzumwson, DAV/D, Dundee, haberdasher, Sept. 28, Oct. 18.

Friday, Sept. 24.


Lee and Middleton. Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers-Middleton and Co. Shef- field. merchants; as ifar as regards W. Middleton-Wood and Wales. Manchester, warehousemen-E. W. and H. P. Woodford, Gravesend. wine-merchants-Warren and Parkinson, Milvertou,Somersetshire. surgeons-I bbutson and Curtis, Sheffield, joiners' tool-makers-Britten and Sibley, Wollaston, Northamptonshire, box-manufacturers- H. and W. Wood, Shrewsbury, wine-merchants-F. and T. Flanders, Cuglain Road, press-makers -Kirck and Falkner. Liverpool, paint-manufacturers-Davison and iTil- stone, New Broad Street, merchants-W. and C. Redfern. Birmingham. solicitors-W. and R. Ladell. Norwich, manufacturers-Hall and Gardner. Manchester, dry-salters- R. and J. Tilston, Ellesmere, Shropshire, timber-merchants. wean


DASIAUF, THEOPH1LUS. Feller Lane. wholesale furrier, to surrender Oct. 4, Nov. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Ellis, Gracechurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. Hamm.% lows, Manchester, horse dealer. Oct. 11, Nov. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Ma- kinsou and Sanders, Middle Temple • and Mewing Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester. HAMMoN, JAMES, Great Portland Temple; plumber. Oct. 2, Nov. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Harrison and Dobree, Hart Street, Bloomsbury; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. HOBBOUSE, HENRY WILLIAM, PHILLOT. JOHNSON, and LOWDER, CHARLES. Bath, bankers, Oct. 18, 29: solicitors. Mr. English. Bath; and Messrs. Burfoot, Temple. Heuer, Jews. Manchester, grocer, Oct. 11, Nov. 5 solicitors, Mr. Wiustanley„ Manchester; and Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple. Rego, JOHN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, sailcloth-manufacturer. Oct. 15, Nov. 5: soli- citors, Mr. Munns, Fenchurch Buildings; and Messrs. Brown anti Allan, Newcastle- upon-'Tyne. Wowing, THOMAS illEDALE, New-cut, Lambeth. victualler, Oct. 1, Nov. 5: solicitor, Mr. Ware, Blackman Street, Borough ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell.


Oct. 15, Carter, Shrewsbury, coal-merchant-Oct. 16, Naylor, Manchester, wire- drawer-Oct. 16, Adams, Oxford, auctioneer-Feb. 21, Pratmau and Forster, Butter- knowle Lodge, Durham, wood-merchants-Oct. 18, Pettey, Tewkesbury. draper-. Oct. 20, Waddell, Birmingham, druggist-Oct. 20, Britain. Birmingham, jeweller- Oct. 22, Smith. Bristol. tanner. csanricars,

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, an or before Oct. 15. Knight, Southampton, upholsterer.