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Norinsc has occurred this week to break what now almost seems the monotony of Court life at Windsor Castle. The Queen has taken her usual walks and rides in a pony phaeton with Prince Albert ; and the little Princess Royal has been carried out daily, sometimes twice in the day.
Prince Albert enjoyed the recreation of shooting, near Cranbourne Lodge, on Tuesday. On Wednesday, his Royal Highness hunted with beagles in the Great Park.
On Thursday, the Duke of Sussex arrived at the Castle, on a visit to the Queen : his Royal Highness returned to Kensington on Friday. Among the visiters at the Castle, have been the Earl of Aberdeen, Chekib Effendi the Turkish Ambassador, Lord Wriothesley Russell, Baron Stockmar, the Earl and Countess of Rosslyn.
The Queen Dowager, attended by her suite, the Dutchess of Gloucester, and Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal, left Belton House, Lincoln- shire, the residence of the Earl and Countess Brownlow, yesterday, for Belvoir Castle, to visit the Duke of Rutland.
The Duke of Cambridge came to town from Kew on Saturday, to -visit Sir Robert Peel, at his official residence in Downing Street. The Putchess and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge arrived in town, from Kew, on Wednesday : their Royal Highnesses were present at the performance in the Queen's Theatre for Mr. Balfe's benefit, on Thursday evening ; and returned the same night.