NOTHING definite is reported from Ragusa, where the Euro- iiean Fleet still swings idly, waiting for the decision of the diplomatists. Dulcigno has not been transferred to the Monte- negrins, nor is there as yet any sign that it will be trans- ferred without a struggle. According to the latest accounts, Admiral Seymour, with the consent of the remaining Admirals, on Thursday morning left the Fleet to visit the Prince of Montenegro, at Cettinje. He arrived there at five o'clock in the evening, and was expected back in his ship on Saturday. He must then report the result of his mission, the object of which is kept strictly secret, to his colleagues, and the Meet would hardly be at Dulcigno (140 miles from Ragusa) before Tuesday. The Montenegrins are all ready for move- ment ; but the Prince has not quitted the capital, and had sum- moned his Commander-in-Chief (Petrovich) for a consultation. An idea is entertained that the Fleet may transport 5,000 Montenegrins to Dulcigno, and land them under its fire ; but there is no evidence as yet of this decision.