The Jewish Year - Book. September 27th, 1897—September 16th, 1898. Edited by
Joseph Jacobs. (Greenberg and Co.)—This volume gives a variety of information under various headings, such as the "Jewish Calendar" with "Explanations," "Jewish Holidays and Festivals," " General Jewish Statistics" (the total number of Jews in the world is estimated at eleven minions—which would give nearly two thousand per square mile for the area of Palestine), Jewish schools, &c., "Jewish Peerage and Baronetage " (there are three peers and six baronets), "Trials and Leading Cases." There are also articles on "Alien Immigration" by L. J. Greenberg, and "The Queen's Tewry, 1837-1897," by Lucien Wolf.
Two useful manuals may be mentioned together :—A Short Synopsis of English History. By J. C. Wright. (Relfe Brothers )— It contains" Genealogical Tables" (Saxon, "Norman and Planta- genet," "Tudor and Stuart," and "Stuart and Hanover ") and a series of dated paragraphs giving the main facts of British his- tory from B.C. 55 to A.D. 1888.—Edmund .Routledge's Date Book from the Creation of the World to the Year 1E97. (George Rout- ledge and Son.)