25 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 18


[To THE EDITOR OW THE "SPECTATOR."] ,Sitz,--,-Does not the etymology of the word " holiness " in our :English tongue give the reason why the thing is so rarely

' _found P Holiness means wholeness. Thus understood, it is no wonder it is lacking in the various types of good people .enumerated in the article " Holiness " in your issue of August -28th. For who.of us are complete? Who of us are already perfect " ? Thus understood, it would enter every department of human life, every thought, word, and action being -brought into the obedience of Christ, the perfect - man. Thus understood, it gives an infinite meaning and .sweetness to the Seraphim song (Is. vi.) : "Perfect, Perfect, Perfectis the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of his ,glory..." Thus understood, it would no longer be " thought of - as 'of something shining far off in a celestial haze."

."Its and its essential beauty " would then be seen as

it liftedthe whole of human life to its perfection in the image and likeness of-God.—I am, Sir, &c.,