25 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 30


LrrEnxrunn.—Plotinus the Divine Mind, being the Treatises of the Fifth Ennead. Translated by Stephen Mackenna. (The Medici Society. 125. 6d.)4 Great Niece's Journals. Edited from the Journals of Fanny Anne Burney. By M. S. Bolt. (Constable. 21s.)—A Wilt- shire Parson and His Friends. Edited by Garland Greever. (Constable. 10s. 6d..)=---The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney. Arcadia. Vol. IV. Edited by Albert Feuillerat. (Cambridge University Press. 128,6(L) —The Elizabethan Zoo. Edited by M. St. Clare Byrne. (Frederick Etchells and Hugh Macdonald. 32s. 6d.) HISTORY AND TRAVEL.—Thiers and the French Monarchy. By J. S. M. Allison. (Constable. 18s.)—The Black Death. By Johannes Nohl. (Allen and Unwin. 12s. 6(1.) —The Medieval City State. By M. V. Clarke. (Methuen. Os.)—The Gordon Riots. By J. Paul de Castro. (Oxford University Press. 18s.)—South Africa from Within. By Manfred Nathan, K.C. (Murray. 12s.)—Travel and Adventures in Many Lands. By Cecil Gosling. (Methuen. 10s. 6d.) PihrscELLANEous.—General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most Notorious Pirates. By Captain C. Johnson. (Routledge. 25s.)—A Naturalist at the Zoo. By E. G. Boulenger. (Duckworth. 10s. 6d.)—Lost London. By E. Beresford Chancellor. (Constable. 28 3s.)—Working Days. Edited by M. A. Pollock. (Cape.. 6s.)—Gilbert and Sullivan. By A. H. Godwin.

• (Dent. 6s.)

ART.—An Artist in Italy. By Maxwell Armfield. (Methuen. 15s.)—Masterpieces of Greek Drawing and Painting. - -By Ernst Pfuhl. Translated by J. D. Beazley. (Chatto and Windus. 30s.)--The Painter's Methods and Materials. By Professor A. P. Laurie. (Seeley-, Service. 21s.) NOVELS.—Sack and Sugar. By Mrs. Alfred Sid • ck. (Collins. 7s. 6d.).—Land of Day-Dreams. By Gerald Villiers-Stuart. (Holden. 7s. 43d.).

BlocRavny.--Monteverdi : His Life and Work. By Henry • Prunieres. (Dent. 10s. 6d.)—The Mind and Ch.racter of Henry Scott Holland. By Rev. the Hon. E. Lyttelton. (Mowbrays. 10s. 6d.)—My Laugh Story. By Leslie Henson. (Hodder and Stoughton. 10s. 6d.)—My Life and Times. By Jerome K. Jerome. (Hodder and Stoughton. 16s.)