It is a date in the year when the wonder of the migratory inipulse and skill is borne in upon us. The cuckoo has a finer and more insistent instinct than the puppy ; and the twp are comparable because the young cuckoos—so it is believed—migrate by themselves, as do many young birds. We have found out a great deal about migration within the Iasi few years ; and one of the more .pleasant and curio discoveries is that a number of birds return, Illce the dog, their very home. Noteworthy experiments were made with te in the Tortugas group of islands, where they breed. Mark birds were carried off into Galveston, in Texas, 800 miles awa A great many found their way back, some in as few as six day some in twelve. As the route was north of their line of Ilan migration, the experiment seems altogether to disprove popular theory that inherited memory tells the migrants th route. However they know it, they know it by some fac that evades our analysis.