Mr. Strauss, along with General_Delme-Radeliffe and Ca thin Templewest, is
one of the very small, the lamentab small, group of men who are backing their belief that the Ian will pay a good return (to-day not less than seventy Yea ago) if capital is courageously and wisely expended. Not least valuable part of all these experiments is that the aceoun are kept and investigated at short intervals by exPe accountants from outside. When the time comes these shou be available for others who wish to make like adventures. I would, of course, be of the highest value to the nation if sue knowledge as these pioneers acquire could be pooled. best work done on the land in Britain has often failed, and failing, because each man is a research worker, doing 01 again what has been done before without knowledge of predecessor's mistakes. An interesting detail in this Berkshire venture is control of weeds, which were rampant on the farm and a now rampant in the neighbourhood. Mr. Tanner, the prop organizer, believes that weeds can be killed by manure, 02 high farming, even apart frrm (leaping operations, destro The belief in sound. Annual Weeds, ds gardener and farmer knows, germinate Lest on the aos. The percentage of germination is vastly higher, example, on sandy soils than on clay. It is a wrong argu- , though popular, that what benefits a crop also benefits s. Weeds may be killed by the kindness that Mikes the W. BEAcii TnomAs.