25 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 38


The iiceoMits published for the second year of Beecham Estates and Pills, Limited—La concern ,which, it may be re- membered, owns also the Covent Garden Estate—show a very satisfactory position. :It is_ true that the net profits of £165,000 compare with 2188;000, but the .previous accounts covered a longer period, whereas the present Report covers the' exact twelvemonth-.'- After transferring £27,500 to the General Reserve, a dividend of 2s. is being paid on the Ordinary shares, while a sum of £3,944 is placed to the Special Reserve, so that the:company newhas a Special Reserve of £23,676 and a General Reserve of £27,500. The directors mention that the necessary steps for the removIsl of Covent Garden Market to a more commodious site are receiving attention.