The author of Sailing Troubadour (Seeley, Service, 10s. 6d.) , —an
Englishwoman—was a dancer, :and her Ousband—of Danish parentage-La well1chow-n opera singer who in better days had sung at Covent Garden. Her book is the record of their courageous and successful efforts to make a living during the eVir days they fell bn .when Mr.- Klitgaarres sight , failed him. Theatrical engagements were few, and they -a took on nY'yabs.that came to" hallo, until brid day they decided to stake everything on an original and daring venture. They invested their savings in -a -naval pinnace, and with the assistance of a friend fitted out the expedition of which this book is the fascinating story._ They set sail in the Talofa ' from the Thames, with a small supply of food, two pounds ten in cash, and displaying,a large notice : "We are singing- our way throuih Europe."' And-that in fact' is`What they , did. At the quayside in Ostend they gave, rather nervously, their first *concert." Mr. Klitgaard sang, accompanying himself on a guitar, to the astonishment of the crowd which slowly gathered. The author went round with the hat. From Ostend they sailed by river and canal through Belgium and Holland, singing and collecting enough to keep them going. Gradually their fame spread, for a strolling singer of Mr. Klitgaard's quality was something new in the way of entertainment, until one day he was asked to broadcast from Hilversum, which he did several times. If ever a venture deserved to succeed surely this one did. One can only hope ' that this enjoyable account of it meets with similar success.