SIR,—" Janus " has raised what appears to me to
be a matter of great importance in his references to the Church and Government Propaganda. In December, 1940, I received a communication from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries which suggested that I might devote a sermon to the Dig for Victory Campaign. Along with the letter was a suggested lists of texts, with headings on which to base the sermon. My position brings me into contact with many men and women in the Forces and it is just because the Church has concerned itself with extraneous matters, both in its teaching and its activities, that it is held by the thoughtful young men and women in such disrespect. A Singalese aircraftsman who had attended various Churches since his arrival in this country expressed what I feel is in many minds today when he said to me, " Until I came to this town I heard nothing but politics and propaganda preached from the pulpit and I was afraid for the Church in England." The remarks of " Janus " on this matter deserve the serious consideration of all who love the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to define carefully the functions of the Church and to see that the Church performs those functions. To do that effectively, the Church will have no time for anything else.—Yours faithfully, HARRY HEAP. 8 Bideford Avenue, Blackpool, Lancs.