DIARY 1994
The Spectator 1994 Diary, bound in soft burgundy leather, will shortly be available. With a new layout and a whole week to view, Monday to Sunday, the diary is 5" x 31. Initials (maximum of 4) can be embossed on the cover in gold if required.
Nigella Lawson, Charles Glass, Luis Dominguez, Jennifer Paterson and Alasdair Palmer reveal their favourite restaurants. Ursula Buchan recommends garden nurseries across Britain, Auberon Waugh discusses wine and Frank Keating the 1994 sports scene. Martin Vander Weyer reveals exotic places to visit around the world and Giles Auty explores museums and galleries. Useful telephone numbers are listed covering the press, politics, theatre and cinema, bookshops, railway stations and airlines.
To reserve your diary for 1994 fill in the form and return it together with your cheque or credit card details to the address below. Diaries will be despatched from mid-October but payments will be processed when received. There are only 3,000 available, so order now. The Spectator Diary is available only from The Spectator. PHOTOORAPHY BY BRIAN WORTH
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