Early Lost, Late Found. By Wynter Frere Knight. 2 vols.
(Remington and Co.)—This is a tale of considerable merit, though we must own to liking the author better in hie lighter than in his graver moods. The:earlier scenes wherein Mr. Reginald Tracy seeks to win the affections of the Vicar's daughter are very pleasing. The poor fellow's disappointment when the Vicar unconsciously deludes him into the brightest hopes is amusing, though perhaps verging upon farce. When the author finds it necessary to construct a plot, and we come into contact with the familiar incidents of a murder, an unjust accusation, a mysterious disappearance, we are not, we must own, so well pleased. Still, there is ability and tact displayed in the management of the story. A special word of praise must be given to the character of the cathedral organist. This is, we suppose, a first work. If so, it shows considerable promise.