26 APRIL 1890, Page 2

Berlin is full of reports—which are, however, denied— that Prince

Bismarck is in a fighting mood, and intends to avenge himself for his "dismissal." According to one story, he intends to publish a pamphlet stating the true causes of recent changes, which, he says, have been misrepresented ; and according to another, be will accept a seat in the Reichstag, and thence criticise the policy of the Government, perhaps even leading a party in opposition. It is possible that the Prince, who is certainly sore, may publish a pamphlet, or make a " revealing " speech in the Prussian House of Peers when he takes his seat as Duke of Lauenburg ; but the rile of party chief is for him a most improbable one. He is not a debater, though he can make a great speech; and not a party man, though he knows how to obtain votes from many parties. He can hardly attack the Emperor without loss of dignity—and it is the Emperor who governs now—or enter into debate on foreign politics without revealing official secrets. His personality is, in fact, a little too great for the Parliamentary arena, and he will be wiser to

his opportunity in silent dignity. He has, however, an inability to bear misrepresentation, which is at variance with the general fortitude of his character, and he may take unusual means of making known what he thinks the truth, as, in fact, he has done before.