Duncan Morn, Partner. By Sophie F. F. Veitch. 2 vols.
(Alex. Gardner, Paisley.)—The writer has shown much skill and know-
ledge of Lowland Scotch in her portraits of the two Morays. We should call them fine characters, peculiarly Scotch, but of a type somewhat rare. The distinction which the writer makes between them and English farmers is obvious enough, though rather partial. Delineated with a certain amount of care and some considerable insight, there is a slight tinge of unreality about them ; they want, we should say, more ruggedness and less suavity. The personality of the Laird is a far more striking one, and in his case we are not sensible of any straining after effect. The story contains a tragical incident which is treated in a manner decidedly fresh and vivid, coming as it does after the quieter narrative of social difficulties and differences. Duncan Moray, in spite of its weak ending, is an interesting and careful study of character.