Another rumour, raised yesterday by a Sheerness correspondent of the
Times, was, that a French merchantman had been brought into that port, captured by the Cyclops war-steamer, and having on board a quantity of fire-arms, with which she was proceeding to the coast of Ireland. This morning, that story is admitted to be unfounded ; but it is stated as undeniable, that a letter was received from an officer on board the Cyclops armed steamer by another officer on board the Cam- perdown, stating that a French schooner was boarded in the port of Cork, and the discovery of a large quantity of arms and ammunition led to the arrest of all parties on board, and the seizure of the ship and cargo. A City correspondent of our own points out, that the Sheerness rumour is old, having appeared in the Shipping Gazette so long ago as Tuesday : and the bungling throws doubt on the whole story ; for such a report is likely to have reached London much faster from Cork itself, where there are London reporters attending the meeting of the British Association, than through a circuitous gossiping correspondence from ship to ship.