The telegraph affords little intelligence this morning, either from the Baltic or the Black Sea.
"Hamburg, August 24.—We have telegraphic advices from Stockholm, with news from Bomarsund of the 21st. Several British steam line-of-bat- tle ships and steam-frigates, and several French war-ships of the same class, have sailed in a South-easterly direction, as if going to Hango or Sweaborg. The cholera is bad at Aland. We are told that the whole fortress is blown up and abandoned ; but this needs confirmation." "Stockholm, August 22.—The British Minister, Mr. Magenis, had an in- terview with the King of Sweden yesterday."
"Stockholm, August 23.—It is reported here, that if the pending nego- tiations for the occupation of Aland by Sweden with 20,000 Swedish troops should fail, the fortifications cif Bomarsund are to be blown up before the /et of September."
"Stockholm, August 24.—Since the fall of Bomarsund, it has been re- ported that the second division of the French Baltic army is to come here and winter with us." .
" Varna, August 13.—A fire, supposed to be the work of incendiary Greeks, broke out here on Thursday night, and destroyed a number of houses appropriated as quarters for the troops, together with stores and magazines. Everything moveable, however, was fortunately saved, except the hay, wine, and some camp-utensils. Several Greeks have been arrested upon suspicion of being the authors of the conflagration. " The cholera is on the decline ; but the First Battalion of Rifles, and the Twentieth and Twenty-third Regiments, all three in the Bosphorus, have lost men by the epidemic. Officers have gone home invalided from almost every regiment. "Great preparations are making here formabarkitig the trams, which it is said will take place on the 20th. The bay ie ,filled with vessels, five hut*. dred in number ; and a fleet of large transports is lying at Baltechilt. Great numbers of flat-bottomed boats for landing troops and bevy guns have aim arrived."
" Vienna, Friday .Evening.—Prince Gortsphakoff is said to have received an intimation from St. Petersburg that no direct answer will be given to the last propositions forwarded by Austria, but that she will be asked what her intentions really are."
The Morning Herald publishes the following telegraphic despatch from the White Sea.
"H. .M. S. Brisk, Cross Island, White Sea, July 29.—We have had a slight skirmish at Archangel, and destroyed three other places : first, Savlo- vetski monastery; second, the town of ho, in Onega Bay ; thirdly, a large town in Ponchlathta river. We sail tomorrow morning, in company with Eurydice, but where not known. All well on board, but very cold."