A demand for money, which it is believed will be only temporary, has led to some sales of Government Securities; and early in the week the Funds declined about k. This partly arose from the payment on Tuesday of 15 per cent on the Turkish loan, amounting to 300,0M. Consols for Money have ranged between 941 and 94 ; latterly there has been a recovery, and they closed yesterday at 94 .1. There has been no pressure for money Out of doors, and. on Wednesday the discount-houses reduced the rate of allowance at call MAI 41 to 4 per cent. The Corn-mar- ket bar+ been declining. The advices from New York mention that a return to flatness has been exhibited -in many of the securities. The accounts from Vienna continue, favourable, and the Money-market there is steadily improving. In Paris, the Funds have been unsettled, but the fluctuations have been slight. Money remains at easy rates in most of the principal Continental cities ; which will obviate the necessity of remit- tances from England. The rate of discount at Paris is 3i per cent ; at Am- sterdam,. 3 ; in Belgium, ; at Hamburg, 2. The specie arrivals from New York this week have amounted to 208,000/. Today there has been very little business transacted ha the Funds : Consols for Money have been done at 93k, and since at 94k, at which they leave off; and for Account at 941 I. I Bank.and India Stocks are the same as last' week ; Exchequer Bills are Is. I better ; Exchequer Bonds are 98k 1. YININfla *eourities have been rather steady, and few transactions have taken Plailo.; but the following have iroproved-Peruvian Four-and-a-half ker. Pinta, 21 Ditto Three, and Dutch Two-and-a-half, Sardinian, and Swe- mth, I. Spanish Three per Cents have declined II, and the deferred The principal operations have been confined to Turkish Scrip, which has
been much in request. The lettere of allotment were issued on Mona); and the first price was 51: it afterwards fill to 41 and closed with great firmness at 6 premium. The highest price was realized on Tuesday, when
it left off at 7 / yesterday it was quoted at 611, and today at 6 pm.
An attempt tis discredit the right of allocating the Epistle's tribute by par- ties in Paris claiming a prior power over that fund has been answered by a letter from the Turkish Envoy, proving beyond doubt that those parties had no claim, as a contract they had not fulfilled had been annulled on their request to be released from their • engagements. A letter from M. Dronyn de Lhuys on behalf of the French Government agrees precisely with the views entertained by Lord Clarendon respecting this loan.
Railways have been dull, and several speculative sales have been made during the week ; particularly on Wednesday, when a fall occurred from 103. to U. in several instances. Great Western closed at 72 ; London and Noith-Western, 101 1. Yesterday they were rather higher, and several of the leading lines, compared with last Saturday, presented no alteration ; in others the difference was to the following extent. Decrease-London, Brighton, and South Coast, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and South Wales, 11. • Great Northern, Great Western, Lancashire and
Yorkshire, Midland, 'North British, North-Eastern, York, and South- Eastern, 10s. ; London and North-Western, 5s. ; Eastern Counties, 28. 6d. Norfolk has improved 11. In Foreign Shares, the only change is in Sambre and Meuse, which is 5s. lower. At the half-yearly meeting of the Midland Company, a dividend was declared at the increased rata of 31 per cent per annum; leaving a balance of 10,4321. The dividend in the Bristol and Exeter Company will be at 2f per cent for the half-year. Today the English and Fo- reign Shares are slightly better.
The English Funds are steady this morning, and Console for Money are i higher, being 94k I, and 94f a for Account. Exchequer Bills par to 2 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 139,4711. In Foreign Stocks no alteration has occurred. Turkish Scrip is 6 1 premium. Railways are rather firm : the present bargains are these- Eastern Counties, 111 ; Great Western Convertible and Redeemable 44-per Cents, 100; London and North-Western, 102; North-Eastern-Berwick, 751; North Staffordshire, ma.
3 per Cent Consols
DILL° for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock
Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents
Chilian 6 per Cents
Daniels 5 per Cents
Danish 3 per Cents 941 e Dutch 21 per Cents
9-'.l i
Ditto 4 per Cents 94f 5 Mexican 3 per Cents 4i Peruvian 41 per Cents 201 10 Ditto 3 per Cents par 2 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 225 30 Russian 5 per Cents 81 4 Ditto 44 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 92 4 Ditto Deferred 103 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 77 80 61 3' 93 5
244 i 71 3 52 4 40 2 99 101
85 7
3 17 1 74184
86 8 85 7